I hate you, Weasley.

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Draco POV

I came out of Charms with a scowl on my face. Crabbe, Goyle and Zabini followed me out of the classroom.

"Hey Potter!" I called to the black-haired boy. "Slashed any more people lately? Or are you too saintly to to such an awful thing to an innocent person?" I smirked.

"Shut up, Malfoy." Potter blushed. I knew that would happen.

"Ooh, getting bold, Potter?"

Then something flashed in Potter's face and... he smirked.

"No, but you seem to be, Malfoy. And I wouldn't if I were you. You'll only embarrass yourself."

I rolled my eyes, and strolled away, but I was confused. What did he mean?

"Hi, Malfoy." I whirled around, and there she was. Ginny. She had a smirk on her face.

"Weasley," I acknowledged. My left hand shook slightly.

"This way," She gestured for me to follow her to a deserted corridor.

My breathing sped up.

"Me and Harry broke up." She crossed her arms. I tried to look as if I didn't care, but my insides started squirming.

"Okay?" I crossed my arms.

"Well. Don't you want to go out with me?" Ginny smirked. She knew I was hooked.

I swallowed. I wanted so badly to say yes, but...

Her eyes. They were racing through emotions. I caught a few, but they were shifting so fast.

Cunning, anger, hate...regret.

Regret? Sadness?

I looked away in silent protest. I shivered. My hands were shaking. I was truly scared. I couldn't breathe. 

She smiled. It didn't reach her eyes. This wasn't the Ginny I knew.

"Say you'll go out with me. And I'll kiss you."

Could I really let her do this to me?

"Fine. I will." I whispered.

Her face broke into a wicked grin. But I still saw regret. And sadness.

"Too bad, because I lied."

I couldn't breathe.

She'd lied to me.

"See how much you like that kind of deceitful poison."

"I hate you, Weasley." I hissed. I didn't mean it, of course I didn't. But I had to keep what was left of my reputation.

She swept away, but not before I saw Potter standing outside. He looked livid. But that was the last of my worries.

I collapsed on the wall of the corridor. I felt numb. I couldn't breathe. I was suffocating. She had done this to me. She was worse than Potter.

Why did I still like her?

Then I stopped. I could breathe again. I realised something.

When she had stopped so close to me, I had seen her eyes properly.

They had been full of regret. But there had also been... tears in them.

She hadn't cried. She had hidden her feelings. But now I knew she didn't mean a word of what she said.

She had tried to prove something to Potter.

I sighed.

Oh, Ginny.

What was I going to do now?

I suppose I should wait for her next move.

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