I just hoped.

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Draco POV

The week that passed since the letter was unbearable. Granger became an enemy worse than Potter because she knew a secret. About me. And my feelings, which was the worst sort of weapon.

I was avoiding all other houses now, just in case word spread.

I was writing an essay half-heartedly when Pansy came into my line of sight. I rolled my eyes inwardly. I had almost forgotten. I had said I would go to the lake with her (because she wouldn't stop asking) and maybe some part of me had known that I should have gone, but my thoughts, as always, went to Ginny first.

"Hey, Draco!"she simpered. "I was looking for you, but I thought you might have forgotten. I forgive you."

I practically retched. She was being so sickly sweet.

"Babe!" She pulled at my sleeve.

"Pansy, I told you, we're not a couple." I said, not looking up, and shaking her off. She pouted. I hate it when girls do that.

"But, Draco-"

"Go away, Pansy. I'm not in the mood." I dotted an 'i' so ferociously that I punctured the parchment. That was when Pansy lost it.

"I've seen the way you look at her! I'm not stupid, Draco!"

I was shocked. Had I really been that obvious about Ginny?

"I-I- what are you talking about?" I tried to sneer, but I couldn't pass it off so easily.

"Lily Alston! She doesn't even like you!"

I relaxed. Lily Alston was a friend of mine, also in Slytherin, but she was too much like Pansy to allow me to have any romantic feelings towards her.

"Lily Alston? You've got to be joking!" I sniggered.

"You-you don't like her?" Pansy asked, shocked.


I turned and stormed up that stairs to my dorm, where I could think straight.

Ginny POV

"Hi, Draco."

Ginny was standing outside the entrance hall of Hogwarts, the sunlight sparkling on her cheeks.

She grabbed my wrist and dragged me round the side of the building.

I rolled my eyes. Then I saw she wasn't smiling.


She pulled out a strip of parchment.

She stabbed her finger at it, indicating for me to read it.

I never really thought you would like me. I just hoped. Sorry, Ginny.


"How- how did you get that?" I stammered.

"It doesn't matter." she said coldly.

"Ginny, I-"

"Save your breath." Her words were like slivers of ice.

"Ginny, I'm so-"

"I'm not interested." Her eyes bored into me.

"I thought you were someone who thought of our friendship as just that. A friendship. I can read people. I thought I'd read a boy who was just trying to right his wrongs, and try and be a better person. How wrong I was."

I am sure I forgot how to breathe. She continued,

"Now, I read you again, and I see a snake. A liar. A traitor. Draco, you twisted- you were-"

She seemed to gather herself. She shook her head disgustedly at me.

"I just...hoped." I whispered.

"Goodbye, Malfoy."

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