Chapter 11

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One day down and only a few more to go. Since I gave my little 'speech' this morning, I've felt more out of place than ever. My bodyguard's of course don't notice but that's only because they're so focused on everything else around them. And it wasn't their fault that the entire school thought of me as a freak, there was only me to blame.

At least I had taken Marco's advice and held my head high to shows my classmates that I wouldn't give in to their gossip so easily. Throughout the entire school day I had ignored the whispers and the stares, but they were starting to get to me.

"Don't start." Marco warned, bumping into my side to draw my thoughts back to the hallways of my school. I turned to look at him and found him much closer than I had thought he was, which lead me back to what Marco had said this morning.

That I meant more to him than anyone else.

What did that actually mean?

"Don't start what?" I asked, clutching my books tighter to my chest.

Marco rolled his eyes, "Thinking about everything that's going to happen. You made it through the entire day, why ruin it now? Come on, just think of something else."

I bumped him back playfully, "I can't just think of something different. My mind doesn't really work that way."

Toni and Luke trailed behind us, watching the surrounding area for any signs of threats but I had a feeling we wouldn't be attacked here at the school again. When we were attacked yesterday they could have sent dozens of more men but they chose not to which meant they were holding back. Now all I had to figure out was why they were holding back, and I had to figure it out before Marco decided to give up his life for me.

My brain was literally going to explode with the all the thoughts I had spinning through it.

Marco steered us towards my locker so I could dump my books in there and make a break for my house where I could hopefully just relax for the rest of the night. But when we reached my locker there was someone waiting for us.


He didn't look exactly pissed but he definitely didn't look happy either.

When he saw us coming, his eyes darkened. But they seemingly were pointed only at Marco, which I guess I could understand. But not completely. It wasn't Marco's fault that all of this was happening, it was mine. And it was time I took responsibility for that.

"Hey." Nathan muttered when I finally reached him.

"Hey." I answered back, offering him the friendliest smile I could gather. But he didn't seem impressed by my dashing gesture.

"Can I talk to you in private?" Nathan questioned, his eyes further narrowing at Marco who was beginning to notice. And the last thing I needed was for my ex boyfriend to start a fight with my current bodyguard.

So I quickly pushed past Marco and nodded, mostly to assure that I was in control, "Yes of course. Marco, we're going to go just over there okay?"

My bodyguard's eyed Nathan as if he might have an ulterior motive than just talking. But after a while I saw Marco nod, slowly and cautiously, "That's fine. But we'll be watching very closely and we will step in if anything happens."

A silent stare down grew between Marco and Nathan as the two glared at each other. Gently, I took hold of Nathan's sleeve and led him across the hall to where we could talk in private but would still be in sight of my ever protective bodyguard's.

"How have you been?" I asked when Nathan refused to break the silence even though he was the one who had wanted to talk. But I kind of guessed that this might happen. Nathan and I were together for a long time and although we had broken up, he still cared for me as a friend. And I cared about him as a friend as well.

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