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School's wrapping up, so I'm back! I hope you enjoy :)

Word count: 3,184

Harry's POV

Like any other person, Louis has his bad days. 

On days like today, where his bad days are in full swing, he doesn't want to leave bed. He doesn't want to eat. Or shower. And I know it's up to me to be the strong one and help him through this slump. I don't necessarily blame myself for when he's down, but I know it's because of the accident. He's told me he'll relive it in his dreams and the weeks that followed. 

I always know as soon as we wake up that it's happened. 

I took in a deep breath as I opened my eyes, glancing at the partially opened curtain that's allowing early morning sunrise to bleed through. I stretch my left arm as my right arm is underneath Louis before I pull him closer to me. I take in his sleeping form and brush his feathery hair away from his face. He told me he wanted to try to grow out his hair too since I was, and who am I to stop him? 

As I brush the soft hair from his face I notice his mouth twist into a frown, his closed eyes flinching until they're shut even tighter before opening. His eyes look darker and I can see the tears already pooling as he sniffles slightly. As soon as his eyes meet mine his face crumples before he starts quietly sobbing. 

"Oh my baby, what's happened?" I ask quietly and pull him closer to me. He shakes his head then presses his face into my neck and grips me tightly, almost as if he's scared I'll disappear.

"It's okay Lou love, I'm right here, it was just a bad dream wasn't it?" I coo as I sit up and lean against the headboard with him in my arms. I smooth a palm down his trembling back as he nods, quiet sobs leaving his lips. I kiss his temple gently and hold him, just hoping that would be enough to calm his tremors. 

"I c-couldn't-" Louis started before gagging. I held my hand out just in case, as if that would really help much, but it was just a false alarm. 

"It's okay sweetheart, you don't need to talk yet let's just take some deep breaths, maybe get some tea huh?" I cooed gently. Louis nodded while breathing erratically, trying to get his breaths under control. I picked him up as I stood with my arm under his bum, the other around his back. 

I walked us down to the kitchen where I set him down on the counter top. He whined as soon as I let go and tightened his grip around me.

"I'm just getting you some tea love, I'll be right here," I said quietly while pushing his hair back. He whimpered quietly but hesitantly let go of me. I smiled gently at him and kissed his forehead before getting the kettle on the stove. I made him his favorite tea just how he likes it. I could see that he was watching every move I made while holding his hands to his chest and fiddling with the sleeves of the jumper he was wearing. Tears would fall every once and I'd hear him quietly sob. It broke my heart that a dream could effect him so much. 

"Here we are love, a cuppa for my baby," I said with a grin. At that he smiled slightly and held the cup in both his hands, taking small sips from it every once in a while. I stood in front of him between his parted legs and rubbed his back while he stared into space. He was so out of it that he went to take a drink from his cup even though it was empty. 

"There's no more darling, let's put it in the sink," I said gently and took it from him. He startled when I grabbed it but relaxed when he saw what I was doing. He moved to snuggle into my chest, softly closing his tired eyes and making my heart melt at how sweet he is all at once. I picked him up again and carried him over to the sofa where I sat with my back against the arm rest, him straddling my lap. I wanted to ask him what happened in his dream, but I knew better than to push for an answer.  I hummed quietly while stroking his back, feeling his lithe fingers trace my tattoos. 

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