06, Anticipating

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At the end of the night, Taehyung was finally home. He wore his lounge wear, which consisted of sweatpants and a graphic t.

   The blue off his screen reflected off his face, searching calmly through the web. He'd been on for hours, trying to find all he can about a certain boy. He was in no rush, and it wasn't like it'd matter in the end. On his other hand, he fidgeted with a pretty switchblade.

   He found all his social medias, and a numerous amount of dumb little things.
   Such as his family, which consisted of four people. He was in no extracurricular activities, but did a form of dance up until middle school. His ears were pierced, and he often wore earrings. His blood type was A. He was born in Busan. Oh, and they were the same age. You know, the dumb little things.

"Park Jimin...Park Jimin.." He whispered the name, leaning back on his chair. He pressed the knife against his thumb, smiling at the thin slice left behind.

you'll love me, and only me, Marija.

Taehyung stared through the clean window, an absent mind as he viewed students from afar. Taehyung couldn't wait much longer, his patience running thin. He stayed calm until a certain boy made his lips twitch. He got up swiftly, dusting off his slacks before stuffing his hands in his pockets.

Jimin Jimin Jimin..

Taehyung silently followed him, keeping his back to a wall as he saw him walk into the bathroom. Taehyung took off his shoes, holding them in his hand as he quietly walked into the bathroom. He placed them delicately next to the door, eyes scanning the bathroom.

Marija, you're mine.

short chapters will b over soon deez kill me

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