20, It can't be true

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          "Wow! What a good day! Did you like spending time with me?" Taehyung asked, hugging the teddy bear close.

          "It was tolerable."

          "We should do this more often" Taehyung smiled, blush creeped up on his cheeks.


   Even the way he said his name made him melt,


          "Did you do something to Marija?"

   Taehyung still stared at him all dreamy-like.

          "Would you get mad if I did?"

   Jimin didn't say anything, looking away from his hazy face.

          "You did do something, right?"

          "Do what?"

   The silence of the night filled the empty gaps. They were already outside of Taehyungs mansion, in front of the tall stone gate to get in.

   Taehyung clutched onto the plush as a hand slammed him against the stone. Jimin was the one to push him against it, grabbing him by the collar,

"Stop playing dumb! What the fuck did you do?!"

   He managed to collect himself after the sudden bump,

"Do you want to know?"

After a moment of tense silence, Jimin let him go. He took a deep breath in, hiding his face behind a hand. Before Taehyung could speak, Jimin had already walked off. Taehyung was puzzled by his reaction, pouting as he held the bear close,

"Did you think he was going to hit me too?"

Taehyung stared at the pink bear, kicking his feet back as he rethought the whole day over.

"He looks cute when he's mad, right?"

Taehyung waited for a response, but the plushy stayed silent. Taehyung rolled over and grabbed his phone. He had a few notifications from Yoonji, the ones he had ignored previously.

hang out w me I'm bored🙀😿
come over pls

r u ignoring me :/

did i do something?

k gn text me when u want or something
i hope ur safe

sorry i was busy today
one of my maids got in a car crash
since my moms gone I had to go nd
check on things
shes ok now
ily gn💜sweet dreams

Taehyung put down his phone, reaching over to grab the bear again.

"Goodnight, Jimin."

DAMN 4 days no upload my bad I hope u survived well w/o me 😩

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