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Taehyung sat on a beautifully architected bench, away from the other patients wandering around. His eyes were closed, feeling the light breeze.

The bench had creaked lightly, the feeling of eyes on him. Yet, their was no noise. He waited for at least a word, but just the wind spoke. Taehyung smiled lightly,

"Did they finally put you in here too?"


Even with his eyes closed, he always knew when she was around. It was Yoonji, for some odd reason. She cleared her throat,

"I came to....visit.."

"Do you want money?"


"Do you want drugs or something?"



"I'm not just some freeloader, you bitch."

Taehyung didn't answer for a moment, thinking,
"Well, I don't understand why you came here then"

She hesitated before speaking, "I brought you cake but...they said you're not allowed near utensils without supervision so.."

Taehyungs eyes fluttered open from the unusual behavior, turning his head to look at her. Wow, was all he could think.


"Yeah, cake. Hoseok and Yoongi made it-"

"I stabbed you."

She looked the same. Her bob was a little outgrown, yet it seemed like she brushed it before coming. She had a bandage on her temple, eyes tired.

"I know."

"I thought I killed you."

"Do you wish I was I dead?" There was a slight undertone of hesitation.

"I know you can't die. You just cant, so the thought never really occurred. Did it hurt?"

"I died for like...20 seconds, then unconscious from shock. It was really peaceful, and...it was so dumb, but I remember thinking I wish you were there with me."

Somewhere along their monotone words, their hands mindlessly interlocked.

"Did it hurt..?" He had asked again, but Yoonji knew exactly what he meant.

"I was such a baby, Taehyung. I cried everyday in that dumb hospital bed. I couldn't believe it...I couldn't believe I'd feel so empty from someone who left me so torn up. They had to feed me through this tube 'cause I was depressed, I became mute for two goddam months because I thought if I spoke I'd lose someone important....I got fucking therapy for forks! I...I haven't even let a single person touch me since..! Can you believe that? I mean, I really really...really fucking loved you, Tae."

She didn't dare scream out the words, letting them out in harsh breaths. Her hand squeezed his tighter, with such gentleness he had to see if it really was Yoonji.

won't you love me? (vmin)Where stories live. Discover now