07, Introductions are Important

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Should I drown him?
Should I choke him?
Should I just do it?
Or should he feel the pain I felt?

The thoughts could've made Taehyung burst. He was shaking from the absolute thrill. Park Jimins back was to him, washing his hands and face.

I'll stab him so slow, that he'll beg to be dead!

Taehyung swiped a blade from his pocket; it was his favorite. The handle was purple, hearts scattered all over it.

"I want your love all over my knife." Taehyung whispered, smiling.

Jimin picked his head from the sink, meeting Taehyungs deranged expression from the mirror. A thought didn't pass before Taehyung threw himself at him, dagger in the air as it thrusted down.

   But in an instant, Jimin grabbed his wrist, punching his face and gut. Taehyungs face scrunched, dropping the blade. The punches made him feel dizzy, pupils dilating.

   Jimin hastily switched their positions, pressing Taehyung into the sink. He held both his wrists in place, his eyes bewildered,

          "What the fuck is wrong with you??"

   Taehyung blinked slowly, mouth hanging. He was dumbfounded, for the first time he felt unsure of himself. Jimin grabbed his collar with his free hand,

          "Fucking say something, damn it!"

          "I want to kill you. So bad." The words gently escaped his lips in a whisper.

   Jimin face scrunched with anger, "Are you mad?? Why the fuck did you bring a knife to school? You're sick!"

   Taehyungs eyebrows slowly arose.

'You're sick!'

   The words played over his head. What was this feeling?

   Jimin turned his head away from him for a moment,

          "Fuck-..someone's coming"

   Jimins shoe slid the knife under a stall, pushing them both inside. He shoved Taehyung onto the toilet, kicking up the knife into his grasp.

   In just a matter of seconds, they had reversed roles. Jimin held the knife up to Taehyungs face, other hand on his neck.

          "Be quiet" Jimin muttered before the door opened.

   It was strange. Taehyung felt butterflies erupt as he processed the position he was in. He felt warm under such a heated gaze. He swore he could've melted.

   They heard as the persons shoes clanked to a urinal next to them. Jimin still kept that resentful gaze on him, he could've exploded from those scary eyes. Taehyung felt hot, a nervousness creeping into his mind.

Can you hear my heart?

Taehyung let out a shaky breath, purposely pressing his cheek into the knifes edge. Jimins eyes widened at blood bubbled up and ran down his pink cheek. Taehyung turned his head slightly, lips against the blade. His tongue pressed against the edge, the red dripping onto his mouth.

          "Yo, do you know whose shoes are these?"

   The sudden voice made them come to a freeze, Jimin looking down at Taehyungs striped socks.

          "...Yeah, their my friends. He's running track right now and wanted me to bring his shoes to him. Just leave them there." Jimin shouted, moving the knife away from Taehyungs lively face.

          "Ah, alright. Sorry." Was the last thing they heard before the door shut closed.

          "Your names Park Jimin, right?" Taehyung smiled, his words coming out light and breathy.

   Jimin let him go, stepping back with the knife still in hand, "Yeah..."

          "Park Jimin...Park Jimin.." Taehyung repeated the name lowly, staring at him with desire.

          "Stop wearing it out, you act as if you're good enough to say it. You tried to kill me a few minutes ago, remember? You want to kill me."

          "Maybe," Taehyung got up from the toilet, walking towards Jimin, "But, now that I look at you, your face would be so unpleasant. You have this color, this very human color about you. An empty expression wouldn't suit you."

   Jimin kept the knife as a barrier between the two, opening the stall door to give them more space, "Do you even know what your saying right now...?"

          "You're going out with a girl named Marija, right?" Taehyung tilted his head, that sly smile never leaving his face.

          "That's none of your business.." His assertive voice and rough words really did kill Taehyung.

          "Mmh, you're very good at fighting."

          "What are you pulling at?"

   Taehyung fluttered his eyelashes, "I'm quite captivated by you, Park Jimin."

   Jimin didn't say anything, gripping the knife tighter, having his guard up.

          "Keep my knife safe and clean, it's my favorite." Taehyung smiled before slipping past him, picking up his shoes and skipping away.

   Jimin looked at the stall and back at the door.

          "How'd he get past me...?"

Jimin, you're mine. Only mine.

😶‍🌫️nd thats jst how the cookie crumbles I suppose

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