39, Conclusion

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   Her mouth ravaged the meat, barely chewing before swallowing it whole. Her dirty hands became greasy, belly becoming full. After she noticed Taehyungs funny stare at her, she calmed herself. She chewed rice between her fangs,


          "When was the last time you ate?"

   Taehyung felt like he'd plucked her off the streets...which was accurate. They were sitting outside, maids bringing plates and plates full of luxurious foods.

          "Who cares." She said, filling her mouth with another bite.

          "You look pretty eating~" Taehyung smiled.

   Her mouth was covered with food, wiping it off quickly. She gulped hard before squinting at him,

          "I'm a murderer...you know? Murderers aren't pretty."

          "Mm...I can't tell the difference. Plus, your record is officially clear. You shouldn't talk about dead bodies, when you've never seen one." Taehyung ran a finger against the glass of his cup.

          "...What are you talking about?"

          "In simple terms, you're just cute lil Min Yoonji whose never laid a finger on a gun. I've covered everything up for you."

   She stayed quiet for a moment, setting the food down,
          "Rich people are crazy...."

          "Murdering those low-lives were no biggie, really. I mean, as long as you don't think about it too hard. Don't think about their families or friends, you might start feeling guilty." It was like poking at a open wound.

          "Tae, you're evil..."

          "Where's my thank you?"

          "Thanks. I don't deserve it. I already decided that I was going to die than live with their faces being stuck in my head. I feel disgusted by myself. I should've just let them....."

   She stopped quickly, catching herself from saying too much. Her cheeks turned a slight pink, looking away.

          "I'm sure it wasn't intentional. You do deserve life, I know you." Taehyung replied quickly, noticing the change.

   Yoonji shook her head, "I...don't think I have much to live for. They were grown men, they probably did have...families...like wives..a-and kids....and dogs with..big houses..."

          "Yeah. They probably did. But, you also have things that you need to protect. I know you didn't...kill them just because. You're strong, Yoonji. It's not your fault."

          "I'm pathetic." Yoonji whispered under her breath, letting her head drop on the table.

"Wow, Min Yoonji putting herself down? Did chickens start flying?"

"Tae," She picked her head back up to look at him seriously, "You don't think of me differently?"

"Would you like me to?"

She averted his gaze, messing with her fingers, "How'd you find me?"

"Stupid questions. Yoonji, are you going back to your house? Do you want to stay over?" Taehyung leaned on his palm, boredom lingering around his mind.

"Uhm....I don't want to bother you anymore than I already have." She picked her trash up, placing it all back on the silver tray.

"Nono, it's okay. Go ahead and wash up before seeing Yoongi at least..."

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