Chapter 2

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—Veronica's POV—

Today is the first day of school. I typically wouldn't care, at my old school I was at the top of the social hierarchy. This school is new, new things scare me.

I know Jughead wouldn't let anything happen to me but he can only do so much. He can't be my only friend. He has other priorities, like Betty.

I get up from my bed and walk over to the chair in my room. The outfit I'm going to wear today is spread out across it.

I up the clothes and head to the bathroom. I get undressed and go on my phone to play some music. As I open up my music app, Jughead's contact photo pops up on the screen. He's calling.

I decline the call and text him, that I'm not dressed yet. I swipe out of messages and open the music app again.

I put on my favorite playlist and turn the handle of the shower. I like my showers to be cold in the morning so it wakes me up.

After my shower I get dressed. I put on a white crop top and butterfly jeans. I do a quick natural makeup look and decide to call Jughead.

"Hello." He sounds irritated.

"You look good." I tell him.

"Thanks, you too."

"You sound grumpy." I say teasing him. He rolls his eyes at me.

"I am grumpy."

I laugh at his response but he just rolls his eyes again.

He's ruining my mood. "Okay what the hell. Quit rolling your eyes at me." I raise my voice at him.

"Betty and I got into an argument."

"Again? About what?" From what Jughead has told me it seems like him and Betty are always arguing. He's told me about their arguments before, they've been happening for about a year now.

"Me wanting to wear my beanie."


"She doesn't like the fact that I always wear my beanie. She told me that I shouldn't wear it today since it's the first day of school. I told her I'm gonna wear it anyways, and she got mad."

"You two are exhausting."

"She's exhausting."

"Don't talk about your girlfriend in that way Forsythe." He rolls his eyes at me. "Jug can you pick me please, it's Andres off day."

"Sure. Send me your address.

About thirty minutes later I get a text from Jughead saying he's outside.

I walk to his car and I see Betty in the passenger seat.

I open the door to the back seat and sit down. Both Betty and Jug are very quiet

"Hi!" I say breaking the silence.

"Hey." Jughead says and then looks at Betty. She stays quiet.

He turns his head to her and they start arguing.

"Don't be rude."

"How am I being rude?" Betty raises her head up from her phone and turns to Jughead.

"Veronica said hi and you ignored her."

"Of course you would care about that." Betty starts getting angry.


"I didn't say hi to her and you want to get mad."

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