Chapter 3

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—Jughead's POV—
I put my arm around Veronica and open the door. My dad is sitting on the Couch in the living room. Veronica and I walk over to him.

"Uncle Fp?"

"Veronica!" My dad gets up from the couch and hugs Veronica. "It's been so long, how are you?"

"I'm good, Jughead has been helping me with the new school."

"That's amazing, I'm glad you're doing good." My dad hugs Veronica again and we walk to my room.

Veronica walks over to my bed and lays on it. She closes her eyes for a few seconds like she's fake sleeping.

She opens her eyes and looks at me. "Your bed is comfortable." She starts to smile.

I look at her while smiling. "Betty thinks so too." I say teasing her.

She takes a pillow off my bed and throws it at me. "You're disgusting."

I start laughing. "Move."

She moves to the right and I lay next to her on my bed.

We're both lying on our back facing the ceiling.

Veronica takes a deep breathe and looks at me.

"Are you still a virgin?" My eyes widen at her question.

I turn to look at her. "No. Are you?"

"Yeah." I'm surprised by her response. I sit up and look at her.

"Ronnie, you're still a virgin?" She looks at me and nods her head.

My jaw drops open. She sits up with me.

"Who did you lose it to?" She questions.

I open my mouth to answer her, but words can't escape from my mouth.

She looks at me with a raised eyebrow waiting for my response.

My chest is pounding. I take a deep breath and break eye contact with her.

"Juggie? Was it Betty?" Our eyes meet again.

"No." She was taken back by my response.

"Okay, then who was it?" For whatever reason it is I cannot answer her question. My body won't allow me to.

"Jug, just ans-"

"It was Chuck." I say really fast breaking her sentence.

She chokes at my answer. "Oh." She squeezes her eyes shut.

"The worst part is, it happened while I was dating Betty." I lay back down knowing that by what I just said she's gonna attack me.

She opens her eyes and narrows them at me. "What?"

I stare at her but don't respond.

"You cheated on her?"

I look down at my lap. If I answer now she's gonna ridicule me, if I don't answer she's gonna get angry and make me answer so that she can ridicule me.

I sigh. "Yes."

"Does she know?" I can hear the anger in her voice.

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