Chapter 5

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—Veronica's POV—

The tension amongst us at the lunch table was uncomfortable. I could tell Chuck was upset and Jughead was plotting apologies in his mind.

Betty seemed to be oblivious to the entire situation, she continues eating her food and talking to Jughead like any normal day.

During my first class I was thinking about telling her. I then thought about how that would ruin her and Jug's relationship.

Jughead and Chuck have a class together after lunch. They normally leave together but today Chuck left without Jughead.

I look over to Jug and he stands up very quickly. He starts chasing after Chuck in the hallway.

I look at Betty. Our eyes meet and she shrugs. I get up from the lunch table and head to the hallway. Halfway to my class I hear footsteps behind me. I assume it's just another student and keep walking.

I feel a hand touch my shoulder. I jump and hit and look behind me. It's Betty.

"Veronica." She sounds out of breath.

"Hi Betty!" She catches her breath and begins her sentence again.

"Do you want to walk to class together?" I smile at her and grab her hand. We start walking to the classroom.

Halfway to the classroom Betty tunes to face me."Veronica, you're close with Jughead right?" I turn to look at her.


"Does he love me?" I raise my eyebrows at her and slightly squint my eyes. She looks genuinely confused. She's truly questioning if he loves her or not. Poor girl.

"Of course he does." She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.

"Thank you Veronica." She gives me a small smile and we continue walking to class.


It's finally the end of the school day. I exit the classroom and head to the front of the school.

I walk to Jughead's car and sit in the passenger seat.


"Hey Ronnie." He starts the car and starts pulling off.

"We aren't going to wait for Betty?"

"Uh no. She told me Polly is taking her home." I nod my head.

"Did you make up with Chuck?"

"Mhm." It's very awkward. He sounds like he doesn't want to talk to me. "Do you want me to take you home?"

"No, I was planning on going to your house. Is that okay?" I see a slight smile form. "Of course it's okay."


We reach Jughead's house and he leads me inside. I head to his bedroom and lay down on his bed. He lays beside me. I turn to him.

"Betty was questioning your love for her."

"That is because we got into an argument during second period."

"Over what?" He sighs and closes his eyes.

"I don't remember, probably something stupid."

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