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back then, you used to drag kuroo out to the movies, watching films you've since long been anticipating to watch.

however, with the pandemic around, it was impossible. dates outside were certainly out of the question and the movies you've been longing to watch kept on getting delayed.

until you learned about tiktok.

as a student taking architecture, you were often busy drawing your plates. professors keep on pilling work after work, not sparing even sundays.

one day, you were particularly agitated. you were having an art block and kuroo wasn't helping at all, playing the same song over and over again for the past 10 minutes.

you slam your door open, startling testurō. "didn't i tell you to keep it down?!"

he stares at you, cocking his head to the side. huffing, you turn back to your room to start another session of sketching…

only to fail miserably. you groan, pushing the tears out of your eyes. you've been an emotional wreck for the past few days after receiving news of your family dog's death. everything went down the drain. you were anxious, sleep-deprived, and depressed.

kuroo, who's watching you by the door pries the mechanical pencil out of your fingers. you immediately curl into his side, latching onto his neck as he carries you to the living room.

the windows are open, letting in the cold breeze. he's prepared your favorite snack and coffee, placed neatly on the table. he leans on the couch, with your back to his chest as he opens up his phone.

a distorted logo of "tiktok" comes into view and he surrenders the phone in your hands to feed you himself.

you find yourself enjoying the humorous content, melting in his embrace and his thoughtfulness. after watching a video about architecture students (which you agreed wholeheartedly) you scroll down, only to find an old lady in her underwear, dancing at 2x speed which sent the food in your mouth flying across the room, and kuroo cackling in your ears.

"wait!" he wheezes, "I gotta send this one to brokuto!"

you giggle, watching as tears escape his eyes. shaking your head, you take a sip of your coffee, nuzzling your head at his chest.

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𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐂𝐊 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐔 / '𝙠. 𝙩𝙚𝙩𝙨𝙪𝙧𝙤Where stories live. Discover now