.⠀۟⠀。 another world; chapter 2.⠀۟⠀。

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        waking up the next day, something startled you causing you to sit up straight. the poster was out of your sight. expecting it to be on the floor, but it wasn't there.

        that poster was one of the covers he was in, that's why that one was your favorite. "where's the poster, goddammit." you cursed under your breath, scattering your bedsheets wondering where it fell. you calmed  down your nerves, bending down to the ground. looking below your bed, observing carefully if it was there. still, it wasn't.

          you sighed— really frustrated, "why isn't it here?". you started to panic with the thought of being robbed crossed your mind, it had to be today. today when you finally graduated.

         you roughly checked the drawers where you kept all the things important. all of the money was still there, credit cards, i.d's, certificates, and all of the jewelry. it would have been impossible if someone stole a anime poster, but didn't even touch all the other things that could be sold. the feeling of your head being scrambled, made you feel dizzy. different emotions and confusion still stayed with you.

        instead of crying your eyes out, you decided to roam through your phone. hoping you could order one of the posters again. although, you opened your phone, the wallpaper was different. you didn't come across ukyo's face. the home screen was different too. both wallpapers was the same random scenery of trees up in a mountain.

          your mind was playing games with you. it can't be. you didn't change your wallpaper last night. back again, you pressed the gallery app. no screenshots of the scenes from your favorite show, no fanarts that you have saved. it was like the show had never existed—one thing wrong was all the pictures you took in school. it had showed different persons—the fictional ones.

         you turned to your laptop, maybe your phone is just lagging, something like a virus must have entered because of all the anime websites you've opened. you searched the anime name, word by word. it had shown no results. the next thing you searched was the author and artist, it claims that they never started a partnership. it was unbelievable, surely they did. they did years ago.

          you sat through the swivel chair, upset, it was gone. the whole series you loved was gone without a trace. you could never see those characters again. you couldn't see him again. that thought alone made you more discouraged, with eyes blurry and hands shaking. tears welcomed themselves, rolling across your cheeks.

         it was a little childish, but tears escaped your eyes. you sat there for the whole 30 minutes crying, wishing they would come back. wishing the poster would pop up on your wall, that they were back and they would exist back on one piece. but still for the whole time you waited, nothing. they were gone.

         totally ignoring the event today, your head was layed on the table. you groaned, trying to check the time if the whole crying session didn't take all day. realizing the time wasn't that late yet, you still had to show up to the graduation ceremony. your mom or dad might show up, leaving them worried if they knew you didn't attend.

         you placed on your uniform, looking at the mirror with puffed eyes. "it's going to be the last day of school anyway."

         the school was crowded, not with parents or guests, not smiling 3rd years taking pictures but surrounded with club members recruiting newcomers, banners up in their heads, handing out papers to people passing by and pursuing 1st years into their clubs.

         "why are they recruiting at the end of the year?" you looked at them eyebrows narrowed. club members should only be able to get new members at the first day, since new students would be appearing. you were utterly in deep confusion, especially this morning. wondering why anime didn't exist anymore, it only adds up once you enter the school.

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