•❤️Chapter 8❤️•

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With Adrien
Meow. Meow. Meeoowwwww. MEOW. "Ughh...hh..hhh" Adrien groaned "Plagg stop meowing, I'm getting up, I'm getting up." Adrien sat up, rubbing his sleepy eyes. Plagg ran to his food bowl, awaiting his owner to fill it with his wet food and hopefully, Camembert.

Adrien went to his drawers and opened a can of food, took a piece of Camembert and walked to Plaggs food bowl. He set the food in it and heard Plaggs satisfying lip smacks and growls, overprotective of his food.

Adrien smiled slightly. "Siri what time is it?" Adrien spoke boldly. "It's 7:00 AM." He had time to get dressed and drive to Marinettes house to escort her to school.

The day went by normal as always, until lunch came.

    Adrien was sitting down at a lunch table with Marientte, putting their trays of food down in sync. The sounds of the students flooded the cafeteria.  "Alya and Nino should be here soon. I need to go to the bathroom, are-" "I'm fine Marientte you can go to the bathroom, nothings going to happen." Adrien assures her, rattling his pill bottle.  The medicine that helps his headaches and eye aching.  Marientte takes a deep breath and sighs "Ok, I'll be back in a jiffy" Marientte gets up and makes her way to the bathroom.

     Adrien sits and waits for his lady, Alya and Nino to come join him.  A few tables away sat Chloe, Lila and Sabrina. Lila spots a certain blonde haired boy alone and smirks.  Chloe notices "It's so boring around here! We need some action" She whispered the last part to Lila and Sabrina, specifically towards Lila.  They both smiled mischievously and stood up from their table simultaneously.  They looked around for his 'bodyguards', nowhere to be seen. Perfect. They both thought.

     Both causally walking towards Adrien, Sabrina followed them awkwardly.  Lila pulls out rubbing alcohol from her bag and shows Chloe. A satisfying face roams both their faces.  They quietly walk around Adrien and open the rubbing alcohol, pouring it into his cup of water silently. Sabrina quietly disagrees with the situation but doesn't speak up.  They walk away swiftly, like nothing happened.

      Alya and Nino arrive the same time Marinette does.  "Hope we weren't too long" Alya says putting her tray of food down, Nino follows.  "Were you ok Adrien?" Marinette asks sitting down.  "Yeah I'm fine Marinette, see? Nothing to worry about." Adrien says smiling at her.  "Did you guys get the new prune juice the lunch lady made? It didn't smell all that good, so I just got water." Adrien says reaching for his cup.  "I figured I'd give it a try, don't knock it till you tr-" Nino got interrupted by a choking and spitting Adrien "What cough is th- cough that!!" He exclaimed spitting out his water, spit and water flying everywhere.  "Adrien!" Marinette worriedly shouted, frantically grabbing napkins and patting Adriens back.  "What gives??" Alya said grabbing napkins too.

     "You ok bro??" Nino says staring at a coughing Adrien.  "I-I'm fine, what was in that water!?" He said wiping his face with the napkins Marinette had gave him.  Marinette took hold of his cup and sniffed it "..Alcohol..?" She said softly.  "Alcohol? But the lunch lady would never do that" Alya said confused.  "It wasn't the lunch lady."

      Marinettes grip on the cup tightened and she slammed it down on the table, making the cafeteria go silent.  "CHLOE!!" She screamed, startling everyone around her, Adrien the most.  "Dupain-Chang." Chloe said emotionless. Lila snickered. Sabrina looked down cowardly.  Marinette noticed Lila's smirk.  "You two are B*TCHES!!" She screams grabbing Adriens tray of food and rubbing alcohol. Lila and Chloe get up and start walking to her "That's so mean Marientte! Why would you even say that to us?? We can talk this out." She says in her fake nice tone.  Marinette, holding the plate of food furiously walks toward them "Why the F*CK did you put RUBBING ALCOHOL IN ADRIENS WATER!!" Marinettes grip tightens on the plate. People were crowding, security was walking to her, scared she might do something to hurt someone.  "It's fine I'm not going to do anything to their petty little faces." Marinette growled at the security. 

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