°•♥Chapter Two♥•°

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When morning came, Adrien and Marinette shot out of bed (Adrien being a little more careful) and ran to their parents, asking if they could go see each other again.

With Marinette

"Mama! Papa! Can I go to Adriens house?? Please! Please! Please!" Marinette cried, practically flying onto her parents bed. "Woah Marinette, it's like 7 in the morning" Tom, Marinettes father said rubbing his eyes sleepily. Marinette sat in between her parents legs and pouted "But I'm sure he's up too! And he asked me yesterday if I could hang out at my house or his house today! And besides today's a no school day" Marinette gleamed with excitement just thinking about it.

Sabine rubbed her eyes and yawned "Ok Marinette, I'll call Emilie and Gabriel" Sabine said smiling slightly. She reached for the phone and called Adriens parents.

At Adriens house

"Adrien settle down, I'll call them right now" Gabriel chuckled at his overly excited son and reached for his phone. Adrien held onto his father's leg as he was about to fall over from excitement. Gabriel took hold of his son and held him firmly in the arm that wasn't holding a phone. Soon the phone rang and Gabriel answered it without looking at the contact "Hello, Gabriel Agreste speaking how may I help you?" Gabriel said in his firm business tone. "Oh! Hello Gabriel! It's Sabine, Marinettes mother" a sweet voice came from the other end "Oh my, Sorry Sabine, this is my work phone and I thought you were a customer" Gabriel chuckled softly. "Oh no it's fine Gabriel, I was just calling to see if Adrien would like to come over and have a playdate with Marinette? She's very excited and I'm sure Adrien is too" Sabine said softly.

Adrien was listening and squirming in Gabriel's firm grip excitedly. Gabriel chuckled a bit "He would love to, though he should come over right now because he has a photoshoot with Emilie at 4. That gives them 8 hours to play, I'll get Emilie to drive Adrien over there" Gabriel said planning the day out. "That sounds great! I'll get the house ready and let Marinette know that Adrien is coming, thank you so much Gabriel" Sabine said then hung up.

"Happy?" Gabriel looked down at Adrien and kissed his forhead "Yes! Yes! Yes!!" Adrien yelled in happiness, hugging his father's chest. Gabriel walked to his and Emilies room and softly knocked on the door.

After a minute or two, Emilie opened the door with tired eyes and yawned. "Is it the photoshoot already?" Emilie asked still half asleep. Gabriel laughed and shook his head "No honey, Sabine called me and asked if Adrien would like to come over to their house. Adriens been squirmish and can't stop talking about Marinette" Gabriel said.

Emilie laughed and took Adrien from Gabriels arms and kissed his cheek "I think our little man has gotten a crush!" Emilie cooed and tickled Adriens small belly. Adrien laughed and tried squirming out of Emilies grip but was unsuccessful.

After getting Adrien dressed

"Ok! Let's go Adrien!" Emilie said, picking Adrien up once more and heading to the car "I'll call you once I get there and drop Adrien off" Emilie kissed Gabriel good bye and drove off to the Dupain-cheng Bakery.

With Marinette

"Marinette! Adrien is here! Come greet him!" Sabine yelled from downstairs to her daughter, who was upstairs in her room getting lots of fun activities her and Adrien can do together. Marinette jumped slightly when he mom told her Adrien was here but soon bolted downstairs to the front door. Sabine was talking with Emilie and Marinettes eyes trailed to a blonde, her face immediately brightened when she say him standing next to his mom.

Marinette approached slowly and then took Adriens hand softly "Hi Adrien!" Once Adrien knew whos sweet and soft voice that was, he hugged her. "Hi Marinette!" He said gleaming with joy. Sabine and Emilie looked down at their kids and smiled "Wanna bet they'll get together in highschool?" Emilie whispered to Sabine "I don't have to bet, I know they will" Sabine answered causing Emilie to snort in laughter. Marinette and Adrien both looked up, Adrien following the noise.

"Anyways, I must be going now, I'll pick Adrien up at 4 in the afternoon" Emilie said to Sabine. Sabine nodded and Emilie gave Adrien a kiss goodbye and left.

"So kids, what will you guys do first?" Sabine asked "Well.. I wanted to teach Adrien how to make Macarons!" Marinette jumped up excitedly. Adrien smiled cheerfully and jumped up too "Yay! Macarons!" Adrien said and took hold of Marinettes hand "Can we make croissants too??" Adrien shifted his head to where he thinks Marinettes face was. "Yup!" Marinette led him to the kitchen counter and Sabine got two stools for them. Marinette helped Adrien onto his stool and stood on hers. "Ok, Marinette, did you get the right ingredients?" Sabine asked looking at Marinette with two arms full of Macaron ingredients, Marinette nodded and put them on the kitchen counter. They began baking Macarons, sometimes getting the batter every where and sometimes accidentally dropping an egg.

An hour later

Tom followed the delicious sweet scent of freshly baked Macarons(I know Macarons take WAY LONGER to cook but that's for the sake of this story.) When he got downstairs to the kitchen he saw two blue heads and one blonde head covered in dried batter, the blonde the messiest out of the three. Tom roared with laughter and couldn't keep himself up right. Sabine laughed softly and took a look around "I guess we did miss the batter bowl Marinette" Sabine looked at Marinette, who was also laughing which caused Adrien to laugh aswell. Tom handed them towels "Clean up, we're going to the mall" he said cleaning the counters. "Yay!" Marinette shouted in excitement "Adrien, have you been to the mall before?" Marinette asked. Adrien shook his head "yeah I have, but only if my father had business stuff" he said kind of sadly. Marinette shook her head "well now you can go for fun!!" She gleamed and took hold of his hand "We can get yummy snacks in my favorite store in there!" Marinette said leading Adrien into the car. Adrien jumped in his seat "I love snacks!" He said excitedly. Sabine and Tom chuckled at the two and started driving.

At The Mall

Marinette led Adrien to all her favorite places in the mall, eating food and playing fun games that didn't involve anything physical. Soon Adrien had to go to his photoshoot with his mom and they hugged each other good bye.

That night both of them slept happily, dreaming of eachother.

Next chapter will be when they're 13 and 14.

I Can't See You •Blind Adrien AU•Where stories live. Discover now