·❤️Chapter 7❤️·

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A week goes by
Marinette slapped her alarm clock as it rung endlessly until she got up to turn it off. "Ughh.hh..hh" she groaned sitting up and putting the clock onto her bedside desk. She yawned "Morning Tikki." She stood up and stretched, heading towards her ladybugs cage.

She leaned down to check if Tikki had fresh water and leaves. She took hold of Tikkis water bowl and walked to her sink. Tikki followed. Marinette dumped the old water out and turned on the faucet, pouring new and fresh water inside the small animals bowl.

Pulling out her phone, Marinette checked the time. '8:30am' "AHH! IM GONNA BE LATE!" Marinette stumbled around her room, snatching her homework off her desk and stuffing it in her bag. She ran downstairs taking a croissant with her. "One more week until Adrien gets to go to school with me!" She exclaimed waiting impatiently for cars to stop passing by so she could walk across the road safely.

She got across the street and saw a familiar Agreste brand car. "Oh! They should be enrolling Adrien today..I got excited and thought he was here" Marinette said softly and started making her way to the Agrestes. "Hello Aunty Emilie, are you here to enroll- Adrien!?" She shot back when she say the blonde haired boy sitting in the back seat of the car, caressing his bag anxiously.

     "Marinette!" Adrien exclaimed and jumped out of the seat toward her voice. "My mom enrolled me last week so this week I can come to school!" He said getting out of the car, Marinette guiding him as he stumbled from excitement. "That's so amazing! We're both late then" Marinette rubs the back of her head anxiously and looks at Emilie.

    "Don't worry Marinette, I'll talk to the principal so it won't affect you." Emilie said grabbing Adriens bag and handing it to him. "Be good my sunshine." She kissed him on the forehead. Marinette smiled. "I didn't forget about you" Emilie leans in, hugs Marinette and kisses her on the forehead. "Thank you Marinette, for everything." She whispered in her ear.

     Marinette smiled "you're welcome Aunty" she took hold of Adriens hand "come on Adrien! You have to meet everyone!" Marinette practically was dragging Adrien behind her. "Geez Marinette you could've warned me there was stairs" Adrien said trying to catch himself.  "Ah! Sorry Adrien!" She slowed down a bit but still fast paced to Miss Bustiers classroom.

    They got up and Marinette opened the door, holding Adriens hand. "Now today we're supposed to be having a new student, it's one of our classmates friend!" Miss Bustier exclaimed.  "They should have arrived today, but for now I'll mark them abse-" "We're here Miss Bustier!" Marinette said raising her unoccupied hand to everyone.

      "Oh great! Adrien will sit by Nino in the front." She smiled at Marinette and Adrien.  Adrien was feeling nervous, anxious and excited. He didn't know if he'll fit in, but all of that disappeared when he remembered he's perfectly safe in Marinettes hands. "Come Adrien your seat is super close" Marinette led him to his seat.

      "Hey dude! Cool jacket! Marinettes design?" Nino said looking at Adriens black jacket with a green paw embroidered on the back of it with cracks around it. Adrien was still holding Marinettes hand and squeezed it slightly, not knowing what to do or say.  "It's ok Adrien" Marinette rubbed her thumb on Adriens hand and smiled at Nino. "Nino is a really nice person! You two could be friends, I can let you meet everyone after class."

      "O-ok.." Adrien hesitantly let go of Marinettes hand. "I'll be right behind you don't worry." She whispered. Adrien nodded and turned towards Nino. "I'm Adrien!" He smiled clutching his bag tightly from nervousness. "I know! You're practically all over Paris dude. You've got some serious sick modeling skills man!" Nino playfully punches Adriens shoulder.

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