°•♥Chapter four♥•°

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I breathed fast and hard, shutting my eyes for a second and opening them once more. The thing that was chasing me soon turned to darkness. I fell into someone but couldn't see who due to falling in another hole of nothingness. I felt hot, sweating even. My eyes couldn't focus on anything. As I was walking around, desperately feeling for something- anything! To help me get out of now my worst fear. I turned around maybe about 100 times, just to see the same nothingness I have been these past minutes. My feet move on their own as I walk towards nothing in particular at all. My heart beats a million times per second as I see a bright light appear. A boy. His eyes starting turning red and as he disintegrated he told me five words I didn't know would haunt me.

"He can't love you forever."

I shot out of bed, sweat dripping from my hair. I scrambled for my phone, my hands trembling and shaking in utter shock and fear. I shook my head and wiped my sweat to get the nightmare out of my thoughts. Once I was a bit more calmer I unlocked my phone and went straight to contacts. I checked the time "1:26am..Maybe Adrien might be up..?" I asked myself. I dialed his number and desperately waited for him to pick up.

With Adrien

"Incoming call from LadyMari. Incoming call from LadyMari. Incoming call fro-" I groaned as I shut off Siri and answered my phone "Who's this?" I asked, too tired to remember what Siri had said literally 2 seconds ago. "Ad-Adrien it's Mar-Marinette. Did I wake y-you?" Oh! It's just Marinette, why is she up so late? I asked myself.

But then I realized her voice was trembling, she usually never stutters around me, not even when she's nervous. Something must be wrong. "Hey Marinette! Why are you up? Is everything ok?" I asked concerned. I could hear Marinettes breath calm down "Yes every things fine now. I just needed someone to talk too.." Marinette said softly. "What happened?" I asked worried now. Marinette took a deep breath "I'll tell you when we meet up..that is if you want to?" Marinette asked. I smiled at the thought of being close to her "Yeah that sounds great!" I exclaimed.

I heard Marinette giggle from the other side of the phone and became proud of myself. "You're such a dork" she said, causing me to smile more.

We talked more and more, just like we do all the time, and then her dream came up. "And the boy looked like me?" I asked as she told me what happened in her dream "Yeah! A-and he told me something.." she whispered the last part, but I could hear it. "What did he tell you?" I asked impatiently "H-he told me 'He can't love you forever' and I don't know what that means, but it was really scary Adrien" I could hear the tremble in Marinettes voice.

I wanted so badly to find a way to teleport to her and just hold her in my arms. I wanted to comfort her like she's comforted me. I've only ever heard the bold and kind women in her and now hearing her like this makes me love her even more..wait I don't love her- wait I do love her! As a friend...? But..even though I can't see her I know her personality, and if her personality is absolutely amazing and outstanding then she should be so very beautiful. If only there was a way to look into her eyes and actually SEE what the color blue Bell is. I've only ever asked her questions on what she looks like, but it's not the same as seeing her. I know she wears the same pigtails each day, but it's not the same as seeing the midnight blue hair her mom told me she had. I know she has the cutest smile ever but seeing it might blow me away. I wish I could see her, I wish I could hug her without her leading the hug. I want to lead her places, I want her to enjoy going on movie dates but the thought of her with another guy makes my blood boil. I can't do normal things in life but I can be there for the person I love most.

I Can't See You •Blind Adrien AU•Where stories live. Discover now