°•♥Chapter Three♥•°

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Age 13, 6:31 AM Saturday.

Marinette yawned as she reached for her phone. She layed in bed, checking her notifications from YouTube or her social media. She gasped as she received a text from Adrien, her friend for 6 years now. She read the text;

♥Adrien♥: Hey Mari! My Dad finally got me the new phone! Now I can text with Siri's help, since I can't, ya know, text normally😂

♥Adrien♥: I also got your number from your mom so don't think I'm creepy *boop* 😁💞

Marinette giggled out loud and replied to her dork with a "I would never in a million years think you're a creep! You're my best friend and always will be :)💞💞"

With Adrien

Adrien also lay in bed, waiting for a reply from Marinette. "LadyMari has sent a text message, would you like to reply Adrien?" A monotone voice, specifically Siri's spoke out to him. "Yes" Adrien said clearly for Siri to understand properly. He learned the hard way not to speak loudly to Siri, he once asked Siri where the Dupain-cheng Bakery was; just to experiment with his new phone, even if he new the exact location of the Bakery his best friend lived. Siri somehow turned the question into "Where is the doctors office located?" Adrien was so confused.

"Hey Siri" Adrien spoke turning Siri on "Tell me the last message LadyMari sent to me" he said again "Ok Adrien. I would never in a million years think you're a creep! You're my best friend and always will be :) heart emoji heart emoji" Siri told him back with her robot toned voice. He groaned when she said 'heart emoji' but soon smiled at Marinettes words.

He sent Marinette another text message saying "Wanna hang at the park today? We can go and find Andre!". It was a Saturday after all, and they usually made plans every weekend. Since Adrien was homeschooled and Marinette went to a real school they didn't have much time to hang out on week days.

Already knowing the answer to his question, Adrien asked Siri to read Marinettes reply, it read "Sure thing! Let me get dressed and I'll walk to the park in about 30 minutes k?" Siri read. Adrien smiled at the thought of being around her and replied with an "ok".

He stood up and walked to his closet, he had memorized where everything was and what it was in his room.

He got dressed in a black shirt with a green paw print on it.

  He was fond of black cats ever since he had gotten one for his 12th birthday. It was a black cat with bright green eyes and Adrien named him Plagg. Of course he knew what the color black was, his mother described the color by simply saying "Close your eyes and look forward, that's the color this cat is" and he did so.  It was also the texture of the fur that made Adrien love black cats, it was a soft and silky texture. One very smooth and short.

  Speaking of Plagg, he jumped on Adriens bed and slept happily. Adrien walked to the bed and felt around for Plagg, when he successfully found him, Adrien cradled him and kissed his forhead "Good morning Plagg, I gave you food and that really stinky cheese you've been loving last week." Adrien said to his cat.  Plagg was a very intelligent cat and once he heard the word "Cheese" he leaped to his food bowl and sniffed around.

  Adrien laughed "Siri what time is it?" Adrien spoke loudly. "The time is 7:08" Siri answered. Adrien nodded and spoke again "Siri text LadyMari" he heard his phone make sounds "Ok, what would you like to message" "I'll be there in 10 minutes" Adrien said. "Ok, I've texted LadyMari" Siri answered. Adrien nodded again and walked to his door slowly. He pressed a button on a microphone that was hanging on the side of his door and spoke into it "This is Adrien speaking, I need assistance" at that, not even a minute late, his parents and all the staff in the house hold were at his door, worried faces on everyone, of course he couldn't see the worried faces, he just felt the tension.  Adrien chuckled "I'm alright guys, I just need someone to drive me to the park. I'm going out to breakfast with Marinette" Everyone cooed and Natalie, the most trusted staff spoke up "I will take Adrien to the park, Miss Emilie and Mister Gabriel, you can go back to your work" Natalie smiled and escorted Adrien to the car.

  They got seated and buckled and Natalie spoke up "So Adrien, I've never got to know how you and Marinette met. You talk an awful lot about her at home. I haven't even met her, being I'm new still. I'm sure she's very nice" Adrien nodded furiously "Yes! Yes! She's so nice! I love her!...a-as a friend!!" Adrien chuckled nervously causing Natalie to laugh a bit, Adrien felt his face heat up "Well I'm sure she's a very good friend. She's at the park right?" Natalie asked "Yep!" Adrien went back to smiling unconsciously.

  They arrived at the park and Marinette stood up from the bench she was sitting at. She would recognize that car from anywhere. She speed walked to the car and opened the door to see Adrien "Hi Adrien!" Marinette said and smiled, of course Adrien couldn't see it, she was just happy to see him.

  Adrien heard her voice and his smile instantly got wider, he leaped out of the car and hugged her "Hi Marinette!! Im so happy to hear you!" He said overly excited. Marinette laughed and booped his nose "You're such a dork Adrien" She waved at Natalie and they said their goodbyes, walking with each other to the benches.

  "What did you have in mind today again?" Adrien asked, turning his head toward the direction Marinette was making noise. "We're going to get Andres ice cream!" Marinette answered excitedly. Adrien jumped up and pumped his arms in the air childishly "Yay! Ice cream!!." Marinette nodded and put a hand on his shoulder "Settle down Adrien, we still have to look for the clues to find him!" Marinette said and pulled out her phone to Andre's Twitter page and looked at his most recent post "You can find me where your imagination is most free and your problems will flee" she read aloud to Adrien.

  Adrien put a hand on his chin and thought "Where your imagination is most free" he recited from Andres post "The only thing I can think of is audio books" Adrien said. Marinette clapped her hands "That's it! Books! The library must be where he is!" She said happily "you're one smart cinnamon roll" Marinette patted Adriens head and took hold of his hand. "Let's get going before he closes shop" She lead them to the library and what do you know, Andre was there. "Yes! Andres here Adrien!" Marinette said "Yay! Does he have my favorite ice cream?" Adrien asked "I don't see why not" Marinette said leading him to Andre's stand. "We'd like one mint chocolate chip with vanilla on the bottom please! And another one with blueberry and strawberry!" Marinette asked. Andre looked at the two and cooed a little "My my what sweet teens! Have some ice cream, that's on me!" Andre sung to them. Adrien chuckled "Thank you sir, we really appreciate it!" He said happily. Marinette nodded.

  Andre gave them their ice creams and Marinette took Adrien to a live Piano player at a side walk. Adrien nodded to the music gracefully, he always loved Piano. Marinette nodded her head in sync with Adrien. Soon they were dancing together with their eyes closed, not knowing people were watching and clapping to their movements. Adrien lead the dance with Marinette following behind as they both romantically held each other in their arms and then pulled apart gracefully. Adrien held the small of Marinettes back and carefully dipped her, ending the dance in a great position. Marinette opened her eyes to see almost three quarters of Paris in front of her eyes. She smiled shyly and hid behind Adrien. Adrien felt eyes on him and bowed, grabbing Marinettes hand and kissing it smoothly "That was so fun Marinette!" Adrien gleamed happily. Marinette blushed "Yeah it was! We even picked up an audience" She told him. They both hugged and headed back to the Dupain-cheng Bakery to have something to eat.

At the Bakery

Marinette lead Adrien to her room and sat down besides him on her bed "Today was fun! It's 3:44 right now, you have to go soon.." Marinette pouted a bit. "I know..Maybe we can hang tomorrow? We'll find something fun to do! Like we did today!" Adrien gleamed again, thinking of the memory about dancing with Marinette. Marinette took one of the Macarons on the plate Adrien was holding and put one in her and Adriens mouth. Adrien happily ate it quietly.

Soon Adrien had to leave, taking a few croissants and Macarons with him and got picked up by his mom.  

They both dreamed of each other last night. Adrien thought about what he could do tomorrow with Marinette. Marinette thought about Adrien kissing her hand while they danced.

I Can't See You •Blind Adrien AU•Where stories live. Discover now