•❤️Chapter 9❤️•

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      Morning soon came, Marinette opened her eyes and checked her phone.  '8:40am' it read.  She gasped and jumped up "I'm gonna be so so late!!" She soon stopped in her tracks, almost out the door as she remembered what happened yesterday.  "You forget you're suspended?" Sabine says, putting out freshly baked goods on display.  "Right..uhm well I'll be going to the park today with Adrien..if that's ok?" Marinette looked at her mom with pleading eyes.  Sabine sighed "Sure Marinette, but make sure to come home early." "Thank you mama! See you soon" she kissed her mom goodbye and ran out the door, taking a picnic basket or two full of food with her.  She texted Adrien.

       With Adrien

"You've received one new message from Bugaboo" Siri called out. He had changed her contact name from 'LadyMari' to 'Bugaboo'. "Read the latest message from Bugaboo" "We still meeting at the park? I'm there already, I have food for you" Siri relayed Marinettes message. Adrien smiled and jumped up happily thinking of Marinette and food. "He clicked a button on his watch and spoke into it. "May I have someone escort me to the park?" Natalie soon showed up at his door. He grabbed his bag and ran towards his door "Thank you Natalie!" He didn't need to see who was going to take him, since he already knew who it was. "Come on Adrien, Marinettes waiting." She said knowingly. Adrien smiled and walked to the car, hopped in and waited to get to the park.

"You have your pills?" Natalie asked. "Yes yes they're in my bag" Adrien said taking them out and rattling them. "Tomorrow you have another appointment with the doctors." She informed. "What's the point..we've tried everything and no one knows what's happening!" Adrien was fed up with all the appointments that involved his head and eyes. He just wanted to know what was wrong and if there was a cure.

They soon arrived at the park. Marinette was sitting on a picnic blanket putting out Adriens favorite foods until she noticed an all too familiar car. She shot up excitedly and ran to it, opening the door. "Adrien!" "Marinette!" They both happily shouted. Natalie smiled "Have fun you two, I'll pick Adrien up in 3 hours." They both nodded and Marientte lead him to the picnic blanket. They both sat down. "Mmmm I smell some delicious potatoe dauphinoise!" He said as Marientte was handing him a plate and fork. "Yeah we had leftovers and I know you love it, so I asked them and they of course said yes." She smiled filling his plate with it and the other food.

The afternoon was going perfect, they enjoyed their meal and laughed with eachother. Until Adriens eyes started burning again, this time worse than the others "Agh!" He dropped his fork with food on it and closed his eyes tightly, holding his head. "Adrien! Are you ok!? What's happening!?" Marinette put her plate down and held his head in her hands trying to steady him. "It..it burns! M-my eyes!" The pain was unbearable, his breathing was quicker and the pain only got worse. He opened his eyes and for a glimpse of a second, he saw grass, a blanket, picnic baskets. He shot back startling Marientte "What happened?? Let me call someone!" She picked up her phone and quickly dialed Natalie's phone number "Yes hello Natalie! Somethings happening with Adrien please hurry!!" Marientte said frantically and hung up. "I-I saw, I saw th-the grass!! Th-the picnic baskets over there!!" Adrien pointed to where the picnic baskets were. Marientte looked at him with wide eyes and gasped "you saw!?" She rushed to his side and tried helping him stand. "No no I th-think sitting is better" he said, still breathing fast, Marientte sat down by him.

"I called Natalie, she should be here soon. Just hang on, you'll get help soon." Marientte assured him and rubbed his back. "It h-hurts so much" he cried in pain, rubbing his eyes as much as he could. She took hold of his hands "please, you'll hurt yourself" she hugged him and he hugged back, burying his face in her neck. This was enough to distract him from the pain for a minute or two.

Natalie showed up with the ambulance and darted to Adrien. "What happened!?" She said, the ambulance people pulling Adrien from Marinettes hug and sat him down on one of their cots. "I-I don't know! My eyes suddenly started burning. A-and when I opened my eyes, I could see the picnic baskets, blanket and grass!" He pointed to it again. Everyone gasped with wide eyes, just like Marientte. Marientte sat beside him and held his hand. She looked up at Natalie "is there anyone you know that could determine what's wrong with him?" She asked worriedly. "I don't know, but we'll call everyone, even fly some people out here from different countries. I'm going to call Mr. Agreste and Emilie." Natalie reached for her phone and stepped aside.

I Can't See You •Blind Adrien AU•जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें