•❤️Chapter Six❤️•

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The next morning when Adriens parents came and took him to their house so he could rest, they talked about Adrien going to Marinettes school at breakfast.

"So, you can't go this week because of your head but next week I think we can enroll you." Emilie said taking a bite of her waffle.
"Yes, I'm still very worried about you going to a public school but I trust Marinette. So I give you permission to go." Gabriel said holding his cup of milk.
"Really dad!? Thank you!!" Adrien jumped out of his seat and hugged Gabriel, almost making his milk spill.
Gabriel hugged him back, holding him slightly protectively so he wouldn't fall "Anything for you my son. And what were you thinking jumping up from your seat like that? You could've hurt yourself." Gabriel said patting Adriens head playfully.
Adrien laughed and with the help of Gabriel he went to his mother and gave her a hug too "I didn't forget about you mom!" He hugged her tightly and she caressed him.
"You're the cutest thing!" Emilie pinched Adriens cheek and kissed his forehead then pulling him into a hug again.
"Now go eat the rest of your breakfast. And then I'll give you another ice pack. How's your head by the way?" Emilie asked helping Adrien towards his seat.
"It feelsh way behtaw(it feels way better)" Adrien said with a nice sized piece of waffle in his mouth.
"Adrien don't talk with your mouth full." Gabriel said somewhat sternly.
Adrien chewed and swallowed his food, then took a drink of milk "Sorry Dad, I won't do it again." Adrien smiled.
Emilie took a bite of her waffle "Doesh it bawsher you Gabwiel?(Does it bother you Gabriel?)" Emilie spoke with her mouth full.
Gabriel inhaled then exhaled not looking up to see Emilie "Yes Emilie, it does bother me."
"Wook at me!(Look at me!)" Emilie said causing Gabriel to look up. He was drinking his milk but spit it out laughing as he saw Emilie with a milk mustache and a waffle go-tee(idk how to spell it).
Adrien was confused "Whats going on? Why's Dad laughing?" He said loving the sound of his Dads laughter.
Emilie swallowed "I had a milk mustache and waffle go-tee honey" she said laughing a bit then standing up to clean herself off in the kitchen.
"Ah I love that woman. Adrien make sure Marinette has a sense of humor. Cus things like that will happen and lighten your day even if it was the best day." Gabriel said cleaning up his milk mess glancing over to see Adriens face.
Adrien almost choked on his waffle and blushed "W-what do you mean? I don't uhm- like Marinette?" He nervously tried to not show his face.
"I see the way you act with her Adrien. It was the same way I acted with Emilie." Gabriel took his plate and Adriens plate to the kitchen and then came back to sit with Adrien.
Adrien sat there with a red face thinking if he likes Marinette or not.
"Adrien, you're thinking." Gabriel said sitting down.
"H-how did you know!?" Adrien jumped back slightly.
"Nothing special, your mother told me when your right foot taps on the ground you're thinking." Gabriel chuckled then smirked.
"Dang you mom" Adrien said under his breath.
"What was that Adrien?" Emilie asked walking into the dining room again.
"N-nothing! My head hurts, can I go to my room now?" Adrien asked fastly.
Emilie raised an eyebrow "Yes. I'll get Natalie to escort you. Me and your father have to talk." Emilie said walking towards the dining table.
"Natalie please come here" Gabriel spoke in his watch that was used as a walkey talkey.
Soon Natalie came in "Yes sir?" She spoke.
"Please escort Adrien to his room" Emilie smiled at Natalie, causing Natalie to smile back.
"Yes Ma'am" Natalie took hold of Adriens arm lightly and took him to his room to lay on his bed. While Adrien gone, Emilie and Gabriel took the time to talk about Adrien going to a public school.
"He seems very excited about attending Marinettes school, maybe this will be good for him?" Emilie said sitting next to Gabriel, putting her hand on his.
Gabriel ran the hand not occupied through his hair "I know but..what if the other kids aren't nice? And I know Marinette has great friends but what about other kids?" Gabriel argued "I hear that Andre Bougerious daughter Chloe goes to Marinettes school. And that she's mean, what if shes mean to Adrien?" Gabriel asked.
Emilie smiled "Marinette is a wise and very kind girl. She will take care of Adrien and not put him in any kind of danger. I know that for a fact, stop stressing and just think, Adrien will have so much more friends! He'll be able to learn stuff with people, interact too!" Emilie squeezed Gabriels hand "Trust me on this ok?"
Gabriel nodded "Always" Emilie smiled at him and he smiled back, leaning in to kiss her, they're lips touched for a quick second and Emilie got up to walk to the kitchen.
"I have to go give Adrien an ice pack, we'll go to the school today to enroll him so he can go next week, just to surprise him." Emilie spoke from the kitchen, taking hold of an ice pack.
She walked back "I can't wait till our son has more friends" she smiled just thinking about it.
"Yes, he'll sure be happy" Gabriel smiled at the thought too.
"Mhm, I'll be back" Emilie said walking up the stairs toward Adriens room.
She knocked on the door "Adrien, it's your mother, I'm coming in to give you your ice pack." She opened the door and walked to see Adrien petting Plagg(who was on Adriens lap) while laying down and listening to an audio book from his computer.
Emilie stopped the audio book causing Adrien to sit up "Hello?"
"Sorry sunshine, I came to see how you're doing, it's mother by the way" Emilie said sitting at the edge of Adriens bed.
"Oh I'm fine mom! Dad was just embarrassing me downstairs.." Adrien said shyly.
Emilie smiled "Well my sunshine, do you love her? Marinette? She was your first friend after all." Emilie teared up remembering how nice Marinette was to their blind son.
"N-no! ...yeah..kinda? A little?" Adrien knew he could say anything to his mom so it was hard to lie to her.
Emilie raised a brow "Looks like my blooming flower has found its water" she caressed his face and pinched his cheeks "You're so cute!" She squealed.
"Mom! I don't even get that metaphor and you're hurting my cheeks" Adrien whined playfully.
Emilie laughed and let Adrien go "Ok well, I'll let you sleep" she laid him in bed and kissed his forehead.
"You'll need that brain of yours to be great when you start school." She walked out right after petting Plagg on the head.
She walked out to the dining room to not find Gabriel. She looked down at her phone when it buzzed, a message from Gabriel reading "Im in the car."
Emilie smiled to herself and headed out the door "Natalie, me and Gabriel are going out to enroll Adrien into a public school, don't tell him please and keep an eye on him." Emilie smiled gently to Natalie.
Natalie nodded her head "Yes Emilie." Natalie remembered to call Emilie by her real name because Emilie said she was apart of the family, aswell as Gorilla.
Emilie got into the car and applied a peachy pink tint to her lips.
She turned to Gabriel "How do I look?"
Gabriel kept his eyes on the road "With your eyes Emilie." He snickered as he saw her just look at him from the corner of his eye.
"That wasn't funny" Emilie contained her laughter.
"I know you know that it was funny" Gabriel laughed as Emilie punched his arm playfully.
"Watch it I'm driving." Gabriel chuckled.

I Can't See You •Blind Adrien AU•Where stories live. Discover now