Chapter 5

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Ella's POV

I watched Walker walk away. He was walking towards the rich girl who's hosting the party. I think her name's Indi, Indigo to be exact. As soon as he approached her she started laughing her pretty little head off.

"Hey Ella! How was the dance?" Alex asked with intrigue interrupting my thoughts.

"Horrible" I said looking up at her. It wasn't actually 'horrible' but she didn't need to know that.

"Oh" She said looking at the floor in defeat.

My eyes drifted back over to Walker and Indi. I couldn't see Walker's face but I could see Indi's. She was talking and looking at his lips. I guess he was looking at hers too.

For some reason every time she did it, it caused a small part of me to hurt.

Alex was rambling on about how she didn't understand why me and Walker were how we were. I tried to pay attention but I kept thinking about Indi flirting with him.

Oh no. Am I... jealous of her? I couldn't be, not after what he did. I immediately blocked out the feelings.

A few moments later I noticed Walker looking over at me. He quickly broke eye contact and focused back on Indi. Weird.

Walker's POV

I walked over to Indi to talk to her for a minute. It was weird though, cause it was almost like she was flirting with me. She kept looking down at my lips, and every time I said something, it was almost like she wasn't even paying attention.

Even weirder, when I looked at Ella, she was looking at us weird, likes jealous looks. But why would she be jealous?

I shook out of my thoughts by Indi calling my name.

"Walker!" She shouted grabbing my attention

"What, huh?" I asked.

"I said maybe we should hang out sometimes." She said looking at me.

Well that was fast. She's nice and all but I don't really like her like that.

"That's a nice offer and all, but I'm always busy with some kind of work" I said

"Work, huh? Does that work have anything to do with Ella?" She asked looking at Ella, who was still looking over here, but quickly looked away.

"What are you talking about" I said almost offended at what she just said.

"Nothing, it just seems you guys are close" She replied back.

What?! Me and Ella? Close?! Gross? Yeah, gross!

"No we're not! Believe me" I said back almost immediately.

I looked at Ella one more time.

I could never be close with Ella, could I?

"Well you were dancing with her a minute ago." Indi said trying to prove her point.

"That didn't mean anything." I snapped back.

"Does it though?" She asked sending my mind on a rollercoaster of thoughts.

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