Chapter 7

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Ella POV

I really hope I get in. It would be really good for my career considering the last few years have been a bit, well slow. There wasn't much of a chance that me and Walker would get in. There was about 75 kids auditioning, come to think of it there's not much chance I would get in at all. 

Even if we both get in, which we won't, I just hope we won't have any scenes together. My feet started tapping harshly against the floor in nervousness. Imagine if Walker played my love interest. That couldn't happen, right?

"Could everyone that auditioned today please migrate to the main room please?" A strict middle aged lady asked. Migrate? What does she think we are, birds? I started getting shoved around as soon as I stood up. After a few minutes I managed to find a seat in the main room, which was packed.

"Can I have everyone's attention?" The lady called out. No one seemed to pay attention until someone else had to step in. A tall skinny man took a whistle out of his pocket and started to blow it furiously, which of course caught everyone's attention in an instant.

"I would like to start off by saying that all of you did an outstanding job today and that no one should down there selves no matter what happens." She started with a chirpy voice, reading from a set of notecards.

"And for the season 8 cast list we have chosen two new members in addition to our season 7 cast. The following names have been chosen, Ella Noel, and... Walker Bryant. Thank you everyone for coming out today!" She finished causing my jaw to drop. 

I just don't know how to feel. Should I feel excited I got in? Or devastated me and you know who both got in. They couldn't have chosen anyone else?

Walker's POV

You have got to be kidding me right now?! Out of 75 kids here, me and her, together?! If I wasn't desperate for new work right now I would just leave.

We glanced at each from across. Oh man this was gonna be hard.

"Can you two come with me?" The same lady said, causing me and Ella to get up at the same time and follow her to the next room, without saying a word to each other.

We were sorted in the next from with the same guy who blew the whistle before, you I'm assuming was in charge of the show.

"Well congratulations you two, it was a tough decision, but you two were the best we've seen" He said sitting down across from us. "Here's what we're gonna do now, we saw you act separately, but now we need to see how you act together, like a chemistry read, considering that'll be most of your scenes, together" He finished.

I'm sorry, what?! What does he mean by we have scenes together, why do we need to do a chemistry read...unless.

"So by chemistry read, you mean we're gonna be.." I said hoping what I was thinking was wrong.

"Love interest, yeah" he said finishing my sentence.

Why does this have to happen, it's worse enough were on the same the same show, now I have to act like I like her, when I despise her, this is gonna be the biggest acting challenge of my career.

"So we have just these practice scripts, that you don't have to memorize, but this will show us if you two can the play roles you signed up for" He said handing us the piece of paper.

We both reached for them at the same, making our hands touch, my first reaction was to jerk my hand away, but I didn't want the director thinking something was up with us, so I slowly pulled away, letting her grab her sheet and then I grabbed mine.

I auditioned for the role of Will, and I'm assuming she auditioned for Sophia.

"So we'll leave you two in here you practice, and well come back in a few minutes" He announced and he and the other lady left the room, leaving me and Ella in the room alone with an awkward silence.

This isn't gonna be good.

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