Chapter 10

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Walker's POV

We had more scenes to do after the break was over. I would see Ella looking at me from across the room, as I would occasionally look over at her, I don't know why though.

"Ok before we get started, a few announcements. One, Walker and Ella, this scene is just yours, so get ready." He said looking at me then her.

Ughhhh. I thought to myself.

"Two, we have a guest star, that will be featured in the next few episodes." He finished.

Everyone started looking around for this mystery.

I then heard a door close behind me, I turned and saw Indi, the girl who was overly flirting with me the other day, oh boy.

I looked over at Ella, once again and saw she had a look of anger on her face.

"Walker come here for a second" The director called out to me as he walking to Indi.

I hesitantly followed behind wondering what he wanted now.

"So not only will you be love interest with Ella, you're gonna be paired with Indi for a few episodes, while Aidan is with Ella" He told me.

I stood there with a dumb look on my face.

"You didn't tell that before at the audition" I managed to say through my shocked expression.

"It was a last minute decision." He said blankly.

I nodded and then quickly walked away from them, over to the snack table.

"What was that all about?" Ella asked coming up from behind me.

"I'm not doing this.." I whispered quietly, not looking at her.

"What do you mean you're not doing this, it's your job, you have to" She responded.

"I'll quit" I fired back.

"Uhhh, no. I don't think so, I need this, and if you quit they'll have to most likely recast, you need this as much as I do" She argued.

"You know for once in your life, I don't think it would kill you to mind your own business" I fired back again sick of her telling me what to do.

"Well your business is my business when it effects me." She said stepping up to me.

"First off, why are you this close to me" I said stepping up to her like she did to me. "Second, I don't concern you, and you should mind your own business, you don't have to be love interests with someone you don't feel uncomfortable around."

"You really think I like Aidan flirting with me, I don't, it's just acting!" She snapped at me.

"Really, didn't seem like it to me" I said quietly.

"Sorry what was that, I didn't quite hear you" She said sarcastically putting her hand up to her ear, leaning her face towards me.

"I said it didn't seem like it!" I said louder into her ear.

When she turned her face towards me again, we were inches apart.

Ella's Pov

"What did the director even say to you that made so..." I stopped for moment searching for the right word. "Riled up." I finished searching his hard green eyes for an answer. 

He hesitated for a second before opening his mouth to speak.

"Indi's gonna be my love interest for now." He blurted out all in one breath. 

I felt my face heat up, but I fixed myself in an instant not wanting him to notice. What was wrong with me?

I then realized how close we were, if I didn't know any better I would think we were about to kiss. Lucky for me, I do know better.

"Good for you I guess." I said trying to keep a straight face.

"Good!? How in anyway is that good!?" He scowled shaking his head at me. I thought he liked Indi.

"I thought you liked Indi." I shrugged fighting a small smile.

"Yeah, well you thought wrong." He snapped back. We were so close I could feel his breath against my skin.

Neither of us said anything after that. We just kept looking into each others eyes. I then remembered what I needed to talk to him about.

"We have to do a skateboard scene." I blurted out of the blue.

"What kind of skateboard scene?" He asked raising and eyebrow.

Right as I opened my mouth to speak I was yet again interrupted.

"I knew it." Indi called from behind me. We both jerked our heads away. I for one had know clue what she was talking about.

"Knew what?" Walker asked furrowing his brows and looking up at her.

"I knew you guys were a thing. You could've just told me." She said looking very annoyed. She has got all wrong. I'm not and never will date Walker.

"We're not a thing. Why would you even think that?" He further interrogated.

"Well you 1. you danced that night at the party, and 2. you were just about to kiss." She pointed out, stepping closer to us.

"1. That didn't mean anything, 2. We weren't!" He snapped at her. 

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." She said walking away. She has no clue what she's talking about.

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