Chapter 6

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Walker's POV

After yesterday's awkward encounter with Ella, then Indi, I was so ready for just a chill day at home.

I was in my room playing some video games with online friends when Alex came in my room.

"Hey, what's up" I said pausing my game.

"You know how you were looking for new work, like a show or something to audition for" She asked me.

"Yeah, why" I responded back, curious.

"Well I was looking online earlier and this ad for open spots for a new show popped up, and I read a little more into, and it seems like something you would be interested in" She said showing her laptop.

"Chicken girls" I said out loud. "Cool when's the audition?" I asked actually excited.

"This afternoon" She told me. She has this weird look on her face like she was up to something.

"What are you up to, you look suspicious" I said.

"What nothing! The auditions at 2:30 this afternoon at Brat studios, good luck!" She said running out of my room.

That was weird. I wonder what she's up to.

Ella's POV

Yesterday was a very interesting day at the least.

I was ready to just relax all day without any Walker drama at all. He was the last thing I needed in my life.

I was at Gavin's house now and Coco was there too and they say they're not dating but I know better than to believe them.

"Hey Ella didn't you mention you were looking for a role the other day," Gavin started with a suspicious smirk on his face. I nodded my head wondering where he was going with the thought.

"Well, I saw an ad online for a show called 'Chicken Girls' online and I thought you might be interested." He finished maintaining his smirk.

"Oh cool when do the auditions start?" I asked intrigued.

"2:30 this afternoon at Brat Studios." He said all in one breath

It was only 1:15 so I had some time.

"I'll go at 2:15" I told Gavin. He nodded in response.

I got a little hungry and decided to look for snacks. Oreos and cheezits, not bad. When I got back to the living room, I was greeted by Coco and Gavin disgustingly making out on the couch.

"I guess I'll go now..." I trailed off.

"Cya." Gavin said breaking the kiss for a moment and then getting right back into it. He didn't look the slightest bit embarrassed. If that happened to me I would look like a tomato by now.

I got to the studio at around 2 so I had time to explore. I walked into one of the hangout rooms and guess who I saw. None other than, Walker Bryant. Great, there was a chance we'd be on the show together. How freaking great. We made eye contact for a second but I quickly looked away.

Suddenly it hit me, this was Alex and Gavin's plan all along, they set us up that's why we were both here. That must've been what they were planning while I was dancing with Walker.

I made the smart move and went to a different room, not wanting to start anything.

It was audition time now and I read my lines with as much expression as I could. I hope I get in and not you know who.

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