06|Meeting the tin can

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They arrived at the Avengers Facility Zen and Peter got out and headed in.
The got into an elevator and reached the top floor.

Peter walked in and Zen followed him.

Peter obviously knows this place better,we never got to know how the facility looks inside , right?

So as I followed Pete I heard a very fimiliar voice, Tony.

"Well Hello! Nice to see you kid" he said looking at Pete

"You must be Zenaida Alistare I'm Tony Stark" he said

Ya no shit why the hell does TONY STARK even have to introduce himself??

"Yes it nice to meet you to Ton-UHH Mr. Stark" I said

Now none of us call him Mr. Stark, we just refer to him as Tony, now calling him Tony sounds very.... Disrespectful?

Weird considering he was a frictional character just 2 days ago

"So you knew I was here, and from what I heard from Peter , you were the one who contacted him to come, and bring me along too, so I'm pretty sure you wanted to speak to me?" I said

"Well yes, I heard that Peter had a new friend, so I researched on you, and there is absolutely no files on you anywhere, so it was a concern of safety for Peter uh and others, so would you like to explain why there is nothing on you" he asked

Just adopted Peter already GEEZ


"Hold on how do you know that I have a new friends? Are you spying on me?" Peter asks.


"What?! No! Well I was checking up on you, and I found out she is another friend you knows your identity, so I had to make sure the secret is safe with her! That all" tony replied

Smooth save Stark. It's not like he has a baby monitor protocol or anything

"Uh huh" I said adding

"So are you going to explain?" He asked looking at me

I sighed, here it goes.

I explained everything to him, except the fact that he is a frictional character because he is ganna kick me out the moment I say that.

"Bullshit" was all he said.

"Do you want my blood sample? Or ask Friday I bet there is some kinda fancy program like a lie detector or something" I said

"How do you know about Friday?" He asked

"The same way I know that you call thor point breaker or that Pepper is allergic to strawberries or in 2008 that one reporter, was getting into your nerves so you told everyone that you are iron man. Listen I now it's sound like a bunch of crap, but really? Is it THAT hard to believe that there is a multiverse, come on you have a ligitmate Norse god in your team!" I said

"Fridays, is she telling the truth?" He asked

"Yes sir it appears to me that she is telling the truth, her heart rates are steady"

"Well assassins can be trained to do so" Tony said

"Oh god, why did I know you were ganna say that, just take my blood sample and see for god sake" I said.


We follow Tony to his lab and I can feel Peter staring at me

"No I am not an assassin Peter" .


He takes my blood and examine it in is fancy devices me and Peter sit their quietly.

"Seriously Peter I am not an assassin-"

"I know,I know , just thinking that he calls Thor, who btw we study about Point break." He replied

I smiled, "ya he does, he has names for everyone, even you, he calls you underoos" I said. And we both started to laugh.

"So since or lives are a movie in your world, you probably know out future right?"

I thought for a while and realised, that I actually don't?

"Ya..I should,but I can't seem to remember it? All I remembered is the fight with you and the vulture, but I could swear I know what happens..maybe it's nothing" I said

"Unbelievable" Tony said after sometime
"There is something in your blood, something, unique, I have never seen anything like it, but it's impossible! This is a brand new discovery!" He said

Well I'm not sure about brand new discovery, beacuse the people who have been to Kamar- Taj say other wise, one doctor to be specific.

"It's good to know that you finally belive me, but know you are not getting anymore of my blood for tests, I can answer your questions, but no testing on me!" I said jokingly

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