15| When the Webling meets Frosty

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You know, I thought that my biggest problems when I came into the mcu would probably be stopping a gaint monster with three eyes and a tail, not Homework. Or the fact that Peter was getting really suspicious of why we weren't hanging out at my apartment anymore.

It had been just 3 days since I met Loki. He was staying in the apartment. Apparently he was living at the fanciest hotel in New York?? And yet he decided to stay here?

I was teaching Loki how to play UNO, why? Cause we were both bored outta our minds, we had been trying to figure out ways to find hydra, I explain to I everything I knew about it.

Also, he beat be 6 times in a row..


"HOW dude I just taught you this is the 7th time you're beating me-"

"I'm just a fast learner" he said

"Damn you Loki"

And then my phone started ringing, it was Peter.

Oh shit

"Heeyyyy Peter wasup!" I said

"Hey you free? I'm rebuilding the Lego death Star wanna help?" He said

"Uhhh no can do I'm helping Tony with uhhhh, something"

"I thought you said he was with pepper for a vacation.." he asked

"UHHH YA HAHA K BYEE" I said and hung up"

"Really subtle Zen" Loki said

"I panicking okay?!" I said

And suddenly the door opened

"Zen I know you're here-" Peter said busting through the doors, nearly ripping the hinges apart

And then he saw Loki....

He just stared, probably trying to figure out why he looked so fimiliar

And then his eyes widened










We both heard a crunching noise and we looked at Loki.

"how the hell did you find the popcorn-"
"Okay let me explain" I said

"You played UNO with an Asgardian god and you didn't tell me?!?" He asked

Oh, that was not what I was expecting

And then ignoring me he went to Loki

"I'm Peter and its really great to finally meet you"

I swear I saw a tear drop from Loki's eyes.

"Hello mortal child, I have heard a lot about you, well at least in all the failed attempts of Zen trying to hide that I'm here" Loki said

"Give me a break, Peter has read all the Sherlock books and like every unsolved buzz feed mystery videos it's practically a detective now" I said

"So he beat you 7 times in UNO" Peter said.


"You are the second mortal who is weirdly not afraid of me, has this world gotten over it?" He asked.

"Well it's Gen Z to you no one gives a damn" Peter said

"Also no one would probably even recognise you anymore" I said

"Well he did" Loki said

"Wait how did you recognise him you were like 11 then?" I said

"I may or may not have gone through Mr.Starks file once when I was bored"

"Peter Benjamin Parker" I said dramatically gasping "going through a rebellious stage? Who would have thought"

"Okay okay" he said

"So he is the man of spiders" Loki said

Peter looked at him and then looked at me

"You told him?!" Peter's asked

"I didn't- Loki stop reading his mind"

"You can read minds?!?!" Peter asked really excitedly

"Yes he's got like a bajjilion other powers too"

And we spent the next half and hour of Loki showing of his powers.

Frosty, Webling and the Know-It-All || Avengers fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now