29| Kidnapped

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Well that was insane.

So let me start from the very beginning.

We were all at the Facility.

I found Peter and Loki asleep on Peter's table with a lot of books around. Seems like Loki was helping him with his homework. Again.

Loki refuses it all the time. He thinks that I don't know that he is the one who has been helping Peter with all his homework. Aw Loki gets shy.

This was an actual freaking conversation I had with Loki about feelings and I quote

"I don't like emotions, they are really messy"

I had to explain to him that he probably mistaked paint for feelings.

Okay so yes that is not the begining of the story I just thought I should let all of you know.

Now the real beginning

There is this sketchy alley that I have to take from the Supermarket to this bus stop before I go home.

I always hated that alley. It feels like someone might kidnap me or something.

I knew I should have trusted my guts. Because one fine day, it actually happened

I was on my way back. My hands full with 5 bags of food and what not .
Then I felt something really hard hit me in the head.

Everything went blank.

I got up with a bag around my head, everything was dark. My hands were tied to a chair and I had no idea what was going on.

"i had eggs in that bag you dumbass" i said

Someone removed the bag from my head. And it was really bright.

A man stood there in a suit. Not just any suit, a hydra one.

"who are you?" he asked

"I'm sorry who am I ?! I don't know you tell me. You kidnapped me didn't you?"

"Enough, Do i look like i'm in a joking mood?"


He pulled out his gun

"Look mate, not long ago i died and came back and now im kidnapped, i can't do this. Just give me a break."

"I'm not going to ask this once more. Who are you"

i scoffed

"I think you should know who you kidnap Hydra, you guys are horrible at this"

"How do you know what Hydra is"

Is he dumb?

"Maybe you shouldn't walk around with the suit that has an ugly ass octopus logo. Do you really need everyone to know you are the big bad wolf "

"ah miss Alistare she has arrived" someone in a german accent said

"i didn't fucking 'arrive' i was kidnapped you bitch"

"take her to the van and head to the location we will be behind" the german MF said.


"hey has anyone seen Zen she promised she'd help me finish the lego death star again " Peter said

"i was about to ask you that kid" Tony said

"I'm pretty sure she went to buy groceries" Loki said

all of them went silent.

"Its been a while..." Loki said.

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