08|Snitches end up in ditches

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A week after I arrived at the facility, Tony's satellites started showing abnormal activities around New York.

Coincidence? I think not.

I checked the satellites for activities from 3 month before I arrived and guess what I found

"Hey Tony check this out, a month and a half ago there was a glitch, that definitely not a coincidence" I said showed him

Now Tony said he would would check it out, But I found the perfect opportunity. I have super strength, I have become smarter and I have magically gotten assasin abilities, sounds like a starting of a new avengers recruit story, and I'm living for it.

"Absolutely not! Yes you are practically the Know-it-all and might have magically gotten the abilities but it still could be dangerous. The outside world is much more tough than the virtual projections." He said

"I well aware of that but like you said I have magically gotten abilities to defend myself it's like meant to be!" I said

"No you aren't ready yet I will tell Peter to check it out. Do you understand? You will not be going." He said

"You realise he is younger to me right? Won't it be dAnGeRoUs to him too?" I said

"He is well trained, also an Avenger he can take care for himself. You a are not getting out of my sight young lady" he said

Did he just-

I finally agreed or did I. I thought of sneaking out and almost did but then FRIDAY said

Miss Zen you have not been permitted to leave the compound. If you do I must inform Mr. Stark.

"FRIDAY, Snitched end up in ditches. Future advice." I replied and headed back to my room.

So basically I'm stuck.


Peter called and informed to say that there was no unusual sightings in that area and everything was just fine, which is weird cuz the satellites say other wise.


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