Till the end of time

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     At last, the gulls had bid the elleth to finally join her loved ones in the Undying Lands. Calaeril looked afar as the waves crashed gently onto the bottom of the Swan Ship, the last ship of which the elleth had made in Middle Earth. Middle Earth… the land where Calaeril had lived all her life. Turning her head away from the West, she then gazed towards the direction of Arda. Memories started to flow back into her mind, memories of her childhood, of her time in the Guard and of her friends. Her friends… there were many she had made, yet many she had lost. Though, some had sailed earlier than her or still abide in Middle Earth. As memories of her long life flowed throughout  her mind, Calaeril could not help but to remember certain individuals who were of Royalty. One of which was a Woodland Prince, who now lies Ithilien , accompanied by a Dwarf- Friend. The other Prince, who was of the Noldor, awaited her back in the Undying- Lands. However, the Last Prince, did not abide in Arda nor did he await her in the Undying Land. That Prince had joined a Princess, in a place Calaeril knew not of. Beren Erchamion was his name and his bride, Lúthien Tinúviel. The Telerin’s heart dampened in grief upon thinking of them, for they were the closest and most precious friends she had ever made. A small smile came upon her fair face as she reminisced the first meeting of Beren. Ah, the look of awe he had on his handsome face when he was before the King and Queen of Doriath. Calaeril specifically remembered remarking to her husband as to how surprisingly tall he was for a Mortal. Yet, she remembered how bitter she was about Lúthien’s love for Beren, for she had thought of him as a petty being. Though that all changed, when the elleth watched as the Prince agreed to take the Silmaril. It was the courage and determination in his eyes that had changed the elleth’s mind. Ah, the sadness she had when Lúthien had left for her beloved, for  Calaeril knew that the Princess was following her beautiful doom. That sadness was erased when she saw the couple comeback safe and sound. Oh how she remembered wrapping her arms around both Lúthien and Been and pulling them into a tight hug. Happiness flourished the kingdom when the Prince and the Princess had gotten married. The fair haired elleth remembered the smiles of the newly wed couple as they walked down the aisle hand -in-hand. Ah, how the elleth wished she could go back to that day. Yet, there was a memory that more precious than the wedding.

    It was early morning, the rays of the bright sun leaked through the lush green leaves of the trees as the trio explored the beautiful forest. Calaeril smiled as she watched Lúthien and Beren laugh happily together. Suddenly, sadness conquered Calaeril’s heart when she had realized that she may not ever hear their laughter ever again, for they were both Mortal and she was of the Eldar. Her smiled must have faded due to the though, for Lúthien had noticed the sadness that lived in her heart.
“Calaeril. .. is there something wrong?” She inquired softly

Calaeril looked up at the Sinda Princess, masking her sadness with a fake smile.

"I am well, Lúthien… there is nothing to worry about.."  She smiled

Lúthien knew that was not true, for she saw the sadness that lingered in her friend’s heart. Sensing the elleth’s grief, Beren decided to inquired as to what was wrong.

"Please, Calaeril…." Beren begged softly "tell us what is wrong, for we can not bare to see you like this…"

The elleth finally gave in.

"What shall happen in the end?" The elleth asked

"In the end?" They replied

"I mean… what shall happen to your souls? Where shall they linger?" Calaeril ranted sadly "I know that souls of the Eldar shall stay  in Mandos and will be released into Valinor, but what of Men?… I know not of where their soul linger….Will I ever see you both again?"

Looking at each other sadly, Lúthien and Beren then turned their heads to face Calaeril.

"Nay… you will not be able to, Calaeril…" Lúthien answered , her voice full of grief "for the souls of Men linger in a place that is far away from the Elves"

Upon hearing that, Calaeril’s heart shattered into a billion pieces.

"No… there must be…" Calaeril replied , only to get cut off by Beren

"There is no way that our destiny could be changed…" He said sadly "for Mandos had decreed that we will not be able to go back with the Elves…"

A tear slid down the elleth’s fair cheek, she then turned away, not wanting them to see. Though, it was too late, for the went around her and wrapped her in a loving hug, like that of siblings.

"Shh… do not cry , Calaeril.." Lúthien cooed as she stroked her friend’s fair hair lovingly

"Do not fret Calaeril, we will be watching over you in the stars and clouds… we will always be with you, till the end of time…" Beren smiled

A small smile came upon the elleth’s face  at those words.
“And I shall remember you both… till then end of my days…”

The fair haired elleth’s train of thought was then broken by a cry.
“We have reached Valinor!”
Calaeril looked back towards the West, only to see that they were on land. Settling upon the soft sand, the elleth was then greeted by family and friends who huddled around , huggig and kissing her. As they led her to her new home, Calaeril then looked up at the Starry Sky and smiled.

"Beren, Lúthien… if you can hear my thoughts… I shall never forget our friendship… even in this bliss… I shall remember you both , till the end of time…"
She then entered her new home.

Little did Calaeril know, that Beren and Lúthien had both heard her thoughts in the Sky. Smiling, they then sang.
“And we shall be with you… till the end of time..”

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