Chapter 2

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Many years had passed since the incident in the forest. Calaeril had grown to be a beautiful Telerin elleth, whose hair was as fair as the white lillies in the forest. Tatharion had asked for her hand in marriage and Calaeril happily agreed, for she had always loved the ellon. She had decided to chose the path of the warrior like her older brother, Laerornthor.  Though the training was somewhat intense, Calaeril had finally made it into the Falathrim guard. 

One day, she had just came out from a long and tiring shift at work. She had decided to take a stroll along the bright sandy beaches of the Falas. As she walked through the bright beach, Calaeril felt the breeze blow through her long silver hair, she turned to face the saphire sea, whose gentle waves calmed her heart. After a watching the waves for awhile, the fair haired elleth had decided that it would be best for her to go home, for she was tired and weary.

When Calaeril had finally reached home, she neatly took off her boots and walked up the white stairs. As she approached the door to her room, she opened the door... only to see her beloved husband placing colourful flowers into a vase, in a room that was cover in different flowers. Calaeril's eyes widened in awe at the sight of the vibrant flowers that were all over the room.

"Tatharion..." She said

Tatharion stopped placing the flower and turned to face his wife.

"Oh, Calaeril...I did not see you there.." He replied nervously

Calaeril grinned and approached her nervous husband.

"What is with the flowers?" She inquired softly

The silver haired ellon walked closer to the elleth and placed the blue flower into her silver hair.

"I had just wanted to surprise you " Tatharion smiled as he pulled Calaeril into a hug

The fair haired elleth smiled and leaned towards her husband to give him a long kiss onto his lips .  Tatharion was suprised at the sudden kiss, yet he still enjoyed it, for he was happy to know that his beloved wife loved his suprise. As the two elves passionately kissed, Calaeril wished that days like this would las t throughout her life. Little did the couple know, that their happiness in the Falas would not last forever.

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