Of Aerondis

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Belegornion watched as his young daughter danced upon the bright Seaside of the Falas with her siblings. A smile came upon the silver haired ellon's face as he heard the sweet laughter of his children. Ah.. what a beautiful sight it was, to see his children happily smile and laugh. It has been a long time since he had seen such a sight between the three siblings. His grey eyes then focused on Daechir, Belegornion's eldest son. He had every bit of his Father in him, from head to toe. Yet, what really made him more like his father... was his strength and fire that burned within him. The Fire that burned within his son was to be feared, for if one lit it, it would cause many to burn.

Belegornion the turned his gaze to his beloved daughter Círien. Like her brother, she was just like her Father. It surprised Belegornion , for he had expected that she would turn out like her Mother, Aerondis. Yet that did not happen, instead, she had the cleverness and sharpness of her Father.

He then focused his gaze on his second born , Tatharion. Unlike both of his siblings, Tatharion had nothing from his Father, both in looks and personality. His second born was blessed with the calmness and patience of his Mother. But that was not all, Tatharion had also been blessed with the cool blue eyes, like that of his Mother.

Thinking of Aerondis made Belegornion's heart feel heavy. It had only been a few years since she had died bringing their child into this world, only for it to be a stillborn. Only a few years, since he had lost his beloved wife and his child. Oh how the ellon wished that he could go back in time and change that horrible event . He would have done anything to save his wife from entering the Halls of Mandos. Sadly... Belegornion could not go back in time, no matter how hard he prayed to the Valar. The Widower missed the sweet voice of his wife and the soft kisses that she would plant on his cheek. Ah.. he would do anything to get to get his lovely Aerondis back..

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