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Calithilien cradled a baby lovingly  in her arms as she sang a sweet tune. As she was rocking the fragile newborn in her arms, the elleth heard footsteps coming from behind her. Suddenly, the silver haired elleth (female elf) felt someone wrap their strong arms around her tiny waist and press a soft kiss onto her fair cheek. She turned hear head to see a handsome ellon (male elf) smiling at her, it was her husband, Aearion.

"Aearion.." Calithilien smiled.

Aearion smiled and pressed another kiss onto his wife's cheek, he then turned his head to look down at his beautiful baby.

"And how is my lovely new daughter and beautiful wife doing?" He asked

The silver haired elleth continued to rock her beautiful daughter to sleep, she smiled at the caring words of her husband.

"We are well.." The elleth replied "I am just putting Calaeril to sleep.."

"I hope she did not cause you too much trouble.." Aearion replied

"Oh she did not cause me any trouble" Calithilien smiled " to be honest, I am surprised , for I did not expect her to be this calm.."

"She definitely got that from you" He said with a smile.

Calithilien cast a small smile at her husband's compliement and then looked down at her sleeping daughter. All of a sudden, the elleth felt uneasiness in her heart, for she worried for the of her little daughter. Aearion could sense the worry in his wife's heart by the expression on her face.

"Do not fret , Calithilien.." Aearion said softly "I am sure that Calaeril will have a beautiful life ahead of her.."

"I am worried , Aearion.." Calithilien saidas she turned to face her husband "it is a time of evil, for Morgoth's forces are growing... what if he attacks the Falas?"

"Surely that will never happen.." Aearion assured "and even if it does... Calaeril will surely be protected".

Calithilien looked back at her lovely baby, seeing her young daughter's face made the worries of her heart wash away.

"Calaeril..." Calithilien sang "my Light of the Sea..."

Light of the SeaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora