Daewen's Grief

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She watched as her daughter,Tinnuel, got dressed for battle. Oh how it grieved Daewen Tirnel, to see her only and youngest daughter put on the elven armor that was provided for her. For the elleth knew that after this, her daughter may be venturing out to her death. The raven haired elleth held in her tears as she saw her daughter strap the gauntlets upon her arms. Ah... how she reminded her of her Father.

Placing the helmet upon her head, Tinnuel then turned to face her mother. Her heart ached when she saw the grief in her mother's face.

"Nana..." The brown haired elleth said softly as she approached her mother "do not grieve... for I will surely comeback, with both Erynion and Cellairon.."

Slowly, tears started to form in Daewen's grey eyes and slowly travel down her fair face.

"How can I not grieve, when my youngest child is walking out to her death..." She said quietly

"I will not be walking out to my death, for the Valar will protect me and my brothers.." Tinnuel assured

"Those were the same words your Father said before he left for War..." Daewen responded sadly "and now where is he? He is now in the Halls of Mandos!"

It truly pained Tinnuel to see her mother like this, but she could not back out now. The elleth then pulled her mother into a warm hug.

"I will not become like him.." She said softly "I will come back...I promise.."

Daewen could not help but to hold her daughter tightly as she embraced her, for this may be the last time she could hold her in her arms. Tears fell as they embraced, yet it was then broken when they were informed that it was time for the troops to leave.

With that, Tinnuel bade Farewell and walked off with the guards. A small yet sad smile came upon Daewen's face as she watched her youngest daughter go farther and farther away as she left for battle.

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