Chapter 1

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Calaeril trotted down the port of the Falas, looking around in awe as she watched the shipwrights shine the white swan ships. The Telerin elfling sat and watched patiently as the shipwright's were doing their work, when suddenly.. someone called out to her.

"Calaeril!" A voice called in the distance

The fair haired elfling looked towards the direction of the voice , only to see a young boy elfling running towards her.

"Tatharion!" She cried happily as she jumped up to give her friend a hug "I was waiting for you!"

Tatharion wrapped his little arms around his friend and pulled her into a warm hug.

"Sorry for being late.." The elfling said as he unwrapped his arms "I was busy making you this..."

He then pulled out a necklace that was adorned with shiney sea shells and beautiful jewels. Calaeril's jaw dropped when she had seen the beautiful necklace.

"It's so beautiful, Tatharion! "Calaeril exclaimed

"Th-thank you!" He blushed "let me put it on you!"

On hearing this, Calaeril turned around and flipped her long silver hair over her shoulders, she then waited for Tatharion to put the necklacs around her neck. Tatharion unclipped the necklace and gently put the beautiful necklace around Calaeril's neck and clasped it back into place. Hearing the click of the necklace, Calaeril flipped her hair back and turned to face her best friend.

"How do I look?" She grinned

"Like a princess!" Tatharion exclaimed

Calaeril giggled at that comment, but then stopped for an idea had popped into her head.

"Hey! If I am a princess, you can be my prince!" Calaeril said "and a prince needs a crown! So why don't we go out into the forest and get some flowers to make a crown!"

"I don't know if the others will let us.." Tatharion replied nervously

"Come on! The forest is not far! " Calaeril urged "and it's not like there are orcs in the forest!".

After pondering for a while, Tatharion decided that Calaeril was right and agreed to go with her to the forest. The two elflings then set out to the forest in search of flowers, when they had arrived inside the bright forest, Tatharion turned to face Calaeril.

"So... where should we look first?" He asked

"I remember my brother and I went to a place where a lot of white lilies grew!" Calaeril answered "I think it was somewhere near here... follow me!".

Without an objection, Tatharion  followed Calaeril through the bright forest, he looked around in awe at the tall trees that loomed over them and blocked the hot rays of the afternoon sun. The two elflings walked in silence as they journeyed towards the flower grove, it was so silent that one could only hear the twigs snap under their feet. After walking  through the forest path for a long time, the two elflings finally came into a hault... they had finally reached the flower grove.

"Here we are!" Calaeril exclaimed

Tatharion's blue eyes widen in astonisment as he caught sight at the million white lillies that gleamed in the sunlight.

"This is beautiful..." he said quietly

Calaeril smiled and pulled Tatharion into the center of the grove.

"Let's start making your crown" The elfling smiled as she started to pick some lillies out of the ground

The blue eyed elfling smiled and started to pick out the white lillies out of the ground and handed them to his friend so that she could weave a beautiful crown with them.  When Calaeril had finished weaving the crown , she then placed it on top of Tatharion's head.

"Here you go , my prince" she giggled

Tatharion looked up at the crown that was upon his head and then cast a smile at his friend.

"It is beautiful, My princess" He smiled.

The two elfling's let out a loud laugh and started to dance and sing around the beautiful grove. Soon, the sun was setting and the rays were starting to get dimmer, the elflings knew that it was time to leave. So they started to journey back, the two elflingd walked through the silent dark forest, it was hard for them to see anything for there was not much light, save for the Moon and the stars of Varda that poured unto the trees and twigs on the ground.  As Tatharion and Calaeril walked, they felt that there was something wrong.

"Have we been here already?" Calaeril inquired

Tatharion looked to around for some landmarks, suddenly he realized by seeing the tree that they had passed by hours ago... they were walking in circles.

"Uh... Calaeril, I think we are lost" Tatharion said

On hearing the words of her friend, Calaeril spun around to face Tatharion.

"Please say you are joking" Calaeril replied

"No I am not..." he said as he pointed to a tree with a hole in it "we passed this tree three times"

Calaeril looked at the tree and was shock, for she had remember passing that tree before.Realizing this, big tears started to form in Calaeril's grey eyes and poured down her fair cheeks. Upon seeing his friend cry, Tatharion quickly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a warm hug.

"Do not worry, Calaeril" Tatharion said softly as her stroked his friend's hair" we will be saved..."

The two elflings decided that it would be best  to sit under a tree so that they would have shelter for the night. As they huddled together, Calaeril fell asleep onto Tatharion's chest. On seeing this, Tatharion pulled her closer to him so that she would stay warm. As he waited for the night to pass, the elfling saw the bushes in front of the tree move, Tatharion's heart froze, for he thought it was an orc. Suddenly, a tall silver haired ellon with cold grey eyes stepped out of the bushes.

"I found them!" He called as he approached the elfling

Suddenly, Aearion and a few other Telerin elves ran into the area. The cold eyed ellon carried Calaeril towards Aearion and the tall silver haired ellon cuddled his young daughter in his chest. He then looked at the cold eyed ellon.

"Thank you, Belegornion.." Aearion smiled

"It is my pleasure" Belegornion smiled then looked down at Tatharion, who looked down nervously " now... what were you doing in the forest, Ion nin?"

"Umm...well... Calaeril wanted to make a flower crown for me..." Tatharion explained "then we decided to play and when we finished it was late and... well you know..."

Belegornion sighed, and bent down to pick his son off the ground. He then cuddled him in his muscular arms and pressed a bunch of kisses onto his face.

"I am so happy that you are safe my son..." he said

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