Chapter 5

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It was finally the day of the entrance exam for UA high. I took a shower and put on my uniform.

I walked down stairs feeling happy and prepared. 'I can do this!' I thought sitting down at the table.

"Here's your breakfast guys work hard today!" Fuyumi smiled. "Thank you!" Me and Shoto said.

We began eating not saying a word to each other. 'I need to focus on this so I can get in! I'll use my quirk because Shoto won't be in the entrance exam I'm going to since he's going for recommendations' I thought.

I finished my food and got up. Shoto followed me to the door but then father stopped us.

"Shoto I expect you to get in no slacking off you trained far too much to fail and y/n you're wasting your time you got into the other school you wanted to go to don't get disappointed when you fail" Father said.

"I won't" I said then walked out of the house with Shoto.

After a while we finally made it to UA. 'Woah this place is huge' I thought looking around as we entered the gates.

"Im going to go to my exam you should've just went to the other school y/n" Shoto said walking away.

"Yeah sure" I responded. I walked away then got to a theater like room then sat down.

"Hey" A guy with yellow hair and a lightning bolt said to me while sitting down. "Hi and who are you" I smiled.

"I'm Denki Kaminari you are..." Denki asked me. "Y/n Todoroki but just call me y/n" I said. "Oh so your did is the no. 2 pro hero?!" Denki asked.

I paused then nodded. "Soooo what's your quirk" Denki asked me.  "Oh um Im quirkless" I lied.

"Wait really?! Wow bold of you to aim for the top school!" Denki said. "Yeah I guess so" I said.

"Oh it's starting" Denki said pointing to the stage. Everyone quieted down.

"HELLO STUDENTS ARE YOU READY FOR THE EXAM YEAH" The blond man yelled waiting for a response.


"I was gonna yell somethin but never mind" Denki said. I laughed silently.  We listened to the instructions until someone interrupted.

"Hello Sir these instructions are wrong!" A navy blue haired boy yelled. He stood up as a spotlight turned on on top of him.

"These instructions say that there are 4 robots not three!" The blue haired boy said. "Oh that one is a 0 pointer that's just there for a challenge" the man said.

"Alright and the boy right there you! Stop muttering under your breath people are trying to focus!" He yelled to the green haired boy.

People began laughing at the green haired boy as he sunk down into his seat.  "I'm so glad that's not me" Denki said. "Yeah I feel bad for him" I said.

The man explained the entrance exams more then we were all passed our cards. "Aw man I'm not in the same test area as you!" Denki said. I frowned. "Well then good luck to you  Denki! I hope I see you in school!" I smiled.

"Same to you!" He said waving back to me.

We made our ways to the Exam sites I stretched and got ready as I arrived. I looked over. 'Oh look it's that boy' I thought.

'I hope he gets in he seems nice' I thought. We got our mark ready as the count down started. "1! 2! 3!" The robot said.

I ran into the course freezing every robot in my sight. "Aw man she took mine!" A guy said cowering over the robot I froze. "Sorry dude!" I said.

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