Chapter 6

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It was the first day of high school I was going to UA. It was about 5 am so I called Kai and Ryota.

"Ayo" Kai whispered. "Hey guys!" Ryota yelled into
the phone.

"Dude it's 5 am! Shush my whole family is still sleeping!" Kai whisper yelled.

"Are you guys excited" I asked. "Yup! I get to be apart of a new volleyball team!" Kai smiled. "That's all she cares about" Ryota rolled his eyes.

"Shut up" Kai said. "Are you ready for UA y/n" Kai asked. "Yeah but guys I know it's early but meet me at the park in 15 minutes" I said.

"Ugh really well I live close anyways so alright" Ryota said. "See ya in 15!" Kai said hanging up.

I got up and put on a hoodie and sweatpants. Then snuck down stairs and went to the park.

As I approached the park I saw Ryota arrived with Kai.

I waved to them and ran to the swings with them.

"Soooo um I have to show you something" I said. "Okay" Ryota and Kai said interested.

I lifted my arms and shot fire out of them. "WHAT?!" They yelled. I then shot ice out of them and smirked.

"I got my quirk a month ago but I didn't tell my family please keep it a secret" I said they nodded excitedly.

"Woah omg!" Kai said. "Look I can do more things" I said.

I created a portal to a store display and quickly got a drink. "WHAT NO WAY CAN YOU DO MORE?!😧" Ryota asked.

I blasted energy from my hand making a burn in the mulch u see us. "But here comes the best thing I can do!" I said. Ryota and Kai smiled widely as they watched me.

I raised my arm then looked at the mystical armor covered My arm as the sword appeared in my hand.

They stared in shock. "Are you like.... Illyanna Rasputun's secret love child or something?" Ryota asked.

"Did you just compare her to one of the X-men" Kai asked raising her eyebrow. "WHAT SHE HAS TE SAME POWERS AS HER!" Ryota said pointing at my arm.

I turn off my quirk. "Guys you have to keep this a secret!" I said. "Ugh fine Hannah Montana" Ryota said.

"We'll keep your secret safe and sound don't worry y/n!" Kai said giving me a thumbs up.

"Dang it's 6am guys" Ryota said. "I snuck out I have to go back now SEE YA" Ryota said running away.

"Damn I snuck out too I'll probably be disowned if I don't go back now gotta go tell us about school okay!" Kai said running.

" YEAH SEE YA" I said begging to run home. I ran as fast as I could.

I reached the door step then opened the door and took off my shoes.

"Well someones up early!" I look up to see Natsuo. "Natsuo my favorite brother!" I said hugging him.

"Yeah yeah where were you huh! Doing drugs?" Natsuo asked. "Uh no I went for a walk and met up with some friends" I said.

"Seriously go get ready for school it's 6:30" Natsuo said. I nodded and ran up stairs to my room to get ready.

I took a shower then put on my new uniform. "Woah looks pretty good" I said straightening it in the mirror.

I did my hair then made my way downstairs. I sat down quickly eating my food. "Y/n here's your lunch!" Fuyumi said handing it to me.

I smiled and thanked her making my way to the porch then waited for Shoto.

After a few minutes he came outside and we began to walking to school.

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