Chapter 5

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Unknown POV

The drive back to our stop was half way over it takes about two hours to get from her house back to the meeting area. Pexton would be furious we didn't get to talk to her and explain our purpose but we knew we were not wanted especially since they had got to her dad.
I heard stories about him. I heard he was an amazing partner during searchs, it was a sad loss. What did they want them for we've been getting weird calls and signals from places that we heard were destroyed during the battle but, that was before I was born so, I really only know what I was told. I start thinking about all the events from this evening and my mind goes back to the girl and her mom. Her mother was well....
Protective. I wonder why her mom had flipped out when she saw us in her house?

"Maybe it's because we barged in her house and we're talking to her daughter not to mention the fact that her husband probably the love of her life was murdered in her home. Did it ever dawn on you that she might've just maybe felt like it was us who killed her husband?" Looking over in shock then reality hits. Did I say that out loud man I was focused I chuckle at what I thought.
As if reading my mind she then taunts me by saying "You should probably work on not saying what your thinking but, your thought are safe with me" I glare at her while she tries but fails to hold back her laughter. Rolling my eyes at her, I turn my attention back onto the road.

"Pexton and the other sent a signal while you were asleep, saying that they are still in Missouri. He wants to know if you know how to get there from here."

I smirk at her statement because it's her first time having a phone so she thinks that it's called a signal. "Yeah that's where I'm heading right now I assumed they'd still be there or just returning. Go to sleep you're going to need the rest for when we get back and it is almost midnight." knowing that she wouldn't turn down sleep she just grumbled a reply.

Shortly after I hear her light snoring I start to relax. Since we were little I've always been calmed by hearing her snore, for some reason it let me know that she was safe and I was protecting her.Knowing that she's sleep and safe from harm.
The phone starts ringing so I reach over to grab it trying not to wake her.

"Hello this is Smiths auto shop how may I help you?" Our code for when we get bored it a game some of the kids play. They want to be spy's.

There's a sigh over the phone then mumbling in the back ground. Glancing at the caller i.d I see that it says Smith's auto shop, seeing this I decide to whisper "Garrett buddy what's wrong buddy. you should be sleep." Worried that he's calling me so late at night well early morning. I get sorta of antsy thinking there is something wrong. I could hear Garret doing what I assumed was shuffling before his soft voice started talking in a whisper.

" Buh-buh,Pexton left the house around six and I need to know where the flashlights are. Do you know where they are?..... is it okay if I have some hot chocolate, moms not returned from her meeting and dad is with her and I can't sleep buh buh." Hearing this made me worried knowing that he was scared of the dark but who could blame him it runs in the family.

" Ger" I stated softly to make sure he didn't get any more worried. "The flashlights actually in your room under your bed I put it there before I left, just in case you needed it. You can have hot chocolate but you better be asleep by the time I get there. We don't have that many more miles to drive."

Looking at the gps to confirm what I said "There should be milk and marshmallows in the small kitchen on your floor use the microwave in there to heat your milk until it's warm not hot okay. I don't want my little solider getting injured." I know that he's probably nodding his head listening to what I'm saying. That little tyke just loves playing soilder and he's just so sweet I can't say no.

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