Chapter 7

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Why is it so dark around here? Where am I and what am I doing in a dress? Walking around I realize I'm not wearing any shoes and I'm walking in what looks like a meadow. Wow it looks beautiful here. The Suns setting and makes the sky a extravagant color of oranges yellows and purples.

I look around trying to gain some type of information on my surround and notice that there's some woods not far away. They are mesmerizing and something was drawing me to them. My feet were moving without my consent and I was soon in front of the trees looking in trying to see but it seems it's getting darker in a way faster rate than there.

"Should I go in there, it doesn't look that dangerous." I try to reason with myself then I hear a what sounds like laughter and crunching not that far from me.

The curious side of me won out and I walked towards the noise and saw a little boy and girl running around a front yard smack in the middle of these woods probably. They looked so peaceful no worry in the world then the little boy ran stopped running and looked my way.

"Hi! This is my twin Lydia and I'm James. What's your name?" He then walks up to me and waves his hand ecstatically at me and I laugh and wave back at him. Bending down to his level smiling brightly. "Hey there little guy what are you two doing all the way out here? Don't you have an adult with you?" I ask realizing that this is just a tad bit fishy that they are out here. alone in the woods for pete's sake.
"Oh that well you see we were told to wait here for you miss." What does that even mean?

"Wait for me you say? And why would you that I've never seen you before." He grabs my hand and starts walking towards the cabin door. I'm starting to get a weird feeling about this. I know I shouldn't really be worried about a six year old but for starters his sister was singing a pretty weird song in a language I had never heard before. I mean how in the world could this child be able to speak two languages she looked six too.

Second they look like they are twins which is kinda creepy since the sister is smiling like a Cheshire Cat which I thought they were able to do at suck a young age. But the one that worried me the most was the third thing I noticed instead of me walking with the boy and him barely pulling me, he was actually pulling me. I know what your thinking pullin you yeah right he's just a child but no I mean I was basically being dragged towards the door and now I realized how creepy this was and that I shouldn't let my curiosity get the best of me. Curiosity kill the cat and I could be next.

Pulling my hand from his I stop walking to the door just in time too because we were a few steps away from the door. "Sorry kiddo but I need to leave you know old people need to take lots and lots of naps to be able to function." I fake yawn and start to step away when his sister joins his side at the door.

"Wouldn't you want sleep before you go ma'am? We have many spare rooms and they aren't even occupied." Why was she trying to convince me to stay? I mean they might look harmless but I know that looks can be deceiving and also that someone being potty trained shouldn't have the strength to drag me at anywhere at this point in time.

"Yeah well I'm going you know that nap and food is calling me well it was nice meeting you Lydia,James hope you have a wonderful rest of your life." with that I sprint away from the house and back into the woods. Looking for the way I came in, while hear the kids yelling for me to stop and I keep on running pumping my legs faster now trying to get back to the clearing knowing I'll feel safer there than anywhere near here.

"Thank God!" I yell when I finally find the clearing and I dive in the grass scrambling to my feet and seeing that it was the right this to do they were right on my trail,but stopped where the trees ended. They looked evil now maybe the woods was having an effect on me. Both of them had these creepy almost sinister smiles on their face. Looking closely I could tell how they had a sort of glow to them and moved gracefully not stumbling like I had just done trying to get away from them. The James boy had brown eyes that seemed dark and mad him look way older than he appeared. His sister Lydia on the other hand has blue eyes that seemed to just be so attractive that it made you want to just walk over to her. Like she wants dangerous. Then I realized I was and they bother were smiling well the boy was more smirking,but they had another thing coming if they thought I was going to fall for there game. I have more will power than that.

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