Chapter 9

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"Warning new life ahead."

Recap: Silvia met her moms great grandma and learned that they are hunters after being told their family history. Now she is meeting a new man that seems to know her and some how familiar. Who could he be???

Where have I see those green eyes? Ugh man this sucks. I feel my mom put a hand on my shoulder and turn to her.
"Silvia this is your great great grandpa." She states gesturing to him ,if my memory is correct mom said his name was...Jerald?
Jim? Johnson? Wait that a last name. Nope it's was James never mind!
"Pops this is Silvia which you remember." She had a cordial smile on her face and so did everyone else. Of course I'm going to be the one confused yay me. I hope you can hint at the sarcasm.

"Mom,why does he seem to be familiar if I never met them before? Not to ruin the moment, but this is a lot to digest." Man am I a party pooper,I not only ruin reunions I ruin parties call me up for enemies. I'm really sarcastic at times;I guess you can call it a defense mechanism.

"Sorry for ruining the moment." I look down suddenly interested in his shoes which now has my full attention not wanting to see them be embarrassed. Being shy is hard sometimes.

"Man is she funny" he snorts which made me giggle." Party pooper!" The man....I mean Edward laughed.

Wait did I say that out loud? Oh my gosh I could face palm. Note to self don't think of embarrassing things while In a group of people please. Thank you from yourself.

They all are laughing now and I know that I'm probably blushing and it makes me glad I have a more brown complexion to where they can't really see it." You said both of those out loud and I can honestly say you are like me in more ways than you think. But to formally introduce myself I am your great great grandpa Edward Wellingham II, I'm married to this wonderful and slightly cra-I mean lovely woman" he says with a wink. I feel like I can get along with him he's actually quite funny for his age and while me and my mom are laughing his wife seems to be chastising and playfully hitting him,that makes me laugh harder.

Please don't snort Silvia that will just be embarrassing, I keep repeating in my head while laughing.

When I finally calm down I turn to my mom who had tears of joy in her eyes and it looks like she's thinking of something so I don't disturb her.

"Hey darling, would you like a cookie? They are fresh out of the oven." I nod and go into the kitchen; taking a cookie off the tray Vivian was holding. When I turn around I see a boy around my age standing in the doorway laughing at Anna and Edward who are still joking around in the other room. Walking over I tap his shoulder and wave.

"Oh geesh!!" He almost screamed. "Where'd you come from. But anyway you scared me ,sorry for um...the screech, if we can keep that between us" he looks so adorable how cute is this, someone that looks strong being shy.

"We can totally keep that between us. But what's your name? Oh and I didn't mean to scare you, I was just getting a cookie." I pointed to the stack on the plate and he went to to the plate and grabbed the whole thing.

"Me, my names Demetrius, but you can call me whatever pleases you. My names long but most people just call me dem." he has light green eyes that almost seem electric, he has red hair the color of fire and you can see freckle on his nose. I didn't realize I was staring until he tapped me on the nose.

"Boop. You were staring, I mean I don't mind, but I never got your name." Laughing I poke his nose back.

"My names Silva If you must know but what are you doing here if you don't mind my asking?" I can't help but be curious.

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