Chapter 1

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I have to remember the way. All I can think about is my parents. I know it's real , that those stories in those weird books are true. Those damned books. All I want to do is be with my parents. My thought were then interrupted by my worst thought of that night so mother's scream!
I start to panic I know better than to scream out for her and to tell her everything's going to be okay but, I can't hold in all the terror that now surfaced. Like what if mom is already dead. Where's dad. Am I next, well of course I'm next if they were coming after my parents. If only I was more skilled in protecting myself. Maybe they only want money. I then realize I'm mumbling all of this while pacing the length of the hallway. "Ahh" screaming I start to panic after hearing something breaking. "What was that" I all but whimper out."Well I hope my screaming was loud enough to scare them of." Trying to twist this sick humor, trying but failing to calm my nerves.

My mom once told me "Silvia your scream could clear a room when you were younger. You would make people just leave the room because you wouldn't stop screaming and crying when I wouldn't pick you up or other things. The whole house would sometimes go quiet." When she told me this I didn't believe her and looked at her like yeah right every baby cries. chuckling at the memory I feel myself almost calm down to where I can stop my hands from shaking.

Starting go down the sets of steps, calm as I could get in this situation and that's when I see him. My dad.He looked so stiff like, sow thing was stoping him from moving. I didn't think he noticed my arrival at the top of the steps until he looked up at me. I ran down the stairs as fast as I could....well as fast as I can with me being clumsy even with my training.

When I got to the living room the sight there made me want to vomit. Which would've hurt because I forgot to eat all day not feeling good at all. Blood, there was a pool of blood that's was surrounding my father not knowing whose it was his,someone else's, or both together, just there around my father. The white carpet now looked like. someone spilled strawberry soda,jelly and ketchup on the ground. What Silvia why did you think that I chaste myself. I knelt by my father's now pale face and started to cry, I couldn't focus. He is just laying on the ground right beside me. Getting up and grabbing a pillow from the couch to prop his head up. Propping him up in what seems to be the most comfortable was and held his hand.

He starred at me with sad eyes and said "Darling I'm not going to make it..the safe house is the best place to go." I knew it was code to go to the library and wait for mom. I stood and turned not being able to look at my father my hero and protector at deaths door.
I just couldn't bare to see my father in pain and telling me to leave him by himself all alone. I turned back towards my father and knelt back by his side.

His blue eyes looked glassy. Almost as if he was going to cry and was looking through me. I can't handle this I thought then sat and cried like a baby. Sadly enough, I sounded like a wounded and depressed dog.

Not wanting to fight no more. I have to get myself together he would want me to find my mom. I sit back up by my fathers side and he's barely moving only blinking occasionally. Looking into his eyes and they seemed to reflect something like peace or maybe just comfort. Like he's come to terms with this which I don't even understand. How can he be fine with this. There seems to be no trace of pain on his face. He even looks kind of happy no maybe it's still the contentment like this is okay. Well I know he was never scared of death for one,but that doesn't apply to me. I bend over making sure not to bump his head. I kiss his forehead like I would do my little cousins, when I would put them to sleep.

"I'll watch over mom and learn who has done this." A single tear dropped from my eye and landed on his cheek. I had to get going whoever did this could still be here listening, and watching me.

Crossing one of his arms over his stomach, as if he was sleeping. I just look at his face, so peaceful looking and somber, like he was only sleeping and not leaving this world. I can't believe this is happening to me. 'What's going to happen now' I think; well I better just go find mom and make sure she's fine. Standing up and sending one last glance to my dad I walk away from the man that was and will always be my hero.

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