Chapter 3

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Running's not a hard thing for me. I run whenever I got frustrated or just get bored. Getting to the house was a breeze. I wasn't shocked when I a walked through my door and locked it,checking the windows for the two stranger that they were gone, I also wasnt shocked that the ligths up the stairs were on,but I was taken back when i saw the dog sitting on the steps. It might've been a dog or a wolf it was humongous. It wasn't as scary as I would have thought. You know the feeling where you're in danger but you're just thinking it could've been worse. That's how I'm feeling it could be attacking me. Or even worse it might be with those strangers. I reach for the light switch and the mongrel snaps his head toward me. The look I got from the beast was like I dare you to touch that dare you. That didn't really faze me since my mom sometimes makes the same face.
"Okay you need to sit and not look at me like you scare me"
"He can do whatever he want it's not like you scare him either." The direction the sentence came from wasn't all that clear but I could tell that it was the same guy from the shed. I was so tempted to say something back but I knew I didn't know who or what I was up against. "Anyway how would you stop him he's pretty fast. He's also s very big dog. What's your name I mean I'm going to have to put this in my report." for a second I thought I was going to just let his mouth run, but only for a second.
"Who in the world do you think you are Mr.Hotshot? I might not be able to see you but I can sense you and the first thing I sense isn't your dog. It's your big ego." now I'm scowling and for some reason I feel like he can see me. "Is that your dog he's extremely big as you said which makes you correct about something." I clap my hands like I'm singing along to a song in the movies. Then I realize that someone's giggling over by the fireplace.
"Stop laughing at me Storm!" This boy was actually quiet entertaining but then his sister joined.
"Ugh that's not my name you slimy munchkin. And it's not my fault that she does a great job at offending you." Then out of nowhere something was thrown across the room and I reached up to intercept. I missed but still stopped the projectile wherever it was headed.
"Come on Upton we need to go and anyway we need to leave, Ricia so it doesn't matter what was said were late." I laugh and then someone's right in front of me and when I try to back away it's like a wall is right in front of me and I do what comes to mind at first thought and try to pull away. "Do you think you're really that funny Aricia. Like we need to leave and need to stay out of sight. Now come on" pulling me towards the door and whistling which I guess was to get the dog's attention which seemed to work because the dog howled and bounded down the stairs.
Without thinking I raise my knee to where I think his stomach would be I know I've caused some pain when I hear him mumble and growl with was pretty funny. " I told you to let me go and in not who you want me to be dude! I'm not going to ask...." I was cut off by the sound of a gun being loaded.

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