Chapter 6

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I've searched everywhere and I can't find my dad. I mean how can a dead body move! I checked up stairs,downstairs, in the safe house outside, and also the basement but theirs no sign of him. Now, laying my mom on the couch and putting a blanket on her. I go upstairs to get my teddy bear I got from my best friend and cell phone to play music from. Going back to my unconscious mother and sitting crisscross in front of the couch. I watch her to make sure that when my mom wakes up I'll be able to get her some cold water.

Why did she pass out? Maybe it's from shock, or maybe was just tired and fell asleep.

Yeah I'm going with she fell asleep. "I need to preoccupy myself." I mumble while getting up from the floor. Putting my phone on the charger and turning on my music I begin to dance and sing. Not really being good at singing but, like most continuing to do just so, I begin my story. Dancing has always been a way for me to calm and block out the world. Forgetting the world for just a fraction of time. Dancing for who knows how long, i'm now lost in the song, dancing to Hustler by Josef Salvat a song that doesn't necessarily fit my mood one hundred percent but still has the melody of something sad but comforting. I start to sing along

" It's not easy on my bed sheets

It's not easy on my nerves

It's not easy on my conscience

It's not easy on my soul

This is not what you wanted

What you wanted for me

I know that much now

My apologies

You would call me a harlot

You would call me a whore

But see I'm a man now

I'm worth so much more

But I've got the heart of a hustler

With a hustler's pain

I've got the heart of a hus........"

I pause and almost fall flat on my butt, it can't be, can it?

I hear the ringtone blaring from my phone. ' Hey answer girl it's important, because it's me best friend 'callin'...' I tune out the rest of the stupid ringtone. Why did I leave that as her ringtone again. Okay well let me explain. My best friend Cynthia made a custom ringtone for her number when I got my first phone earlier this year. Why is she calling me? Is she okay, I wonder if she knows? Wait did the phone stop ringing.

"Oh my gosh I need to stop zoning out." scolding myself I pick up my phone trying to remember how to answer. As you can see me and my phone aren't really acquainted. "H-Hello? Cynthia is that you?"

"Yes it's me baby sis we have a lot to talk about but, first are you near your mom?" Cyn says in one breathe and it sounds like she's stressed.

"Well yah ma is next to me but-" Cynthia lets out a breathe yelling to who I guess was her mom " See they are fine!" she goes silent and I hear her mom yelling something to her from another room. "Fine mom ill ask but, they are fine. Aren't you guys nothings wrong?" Before I can reply I hear shuffling and the muffled protest of Cynthia, then silence.

"Cynthia you okay girl?" Unsure if she's 'in trouble' again and her mom is taking her phone, which is probably happening since she's always in trouble so I don't get worried. There comes the muffling again, what's going on there? gosh!

"Aha" comes her moms victorious cry "I told you, I know I need to talk to her, I'll unlock the door later." I can hear what sounds like a response from Cynthia then a huff from the other side of the phone. " Hey sweetie it's me your awesome other mother but it's time I be serious what happen?" Yep that's Momma/Aunt Carrie for you, rarely subtle but I still get shocked and almost choke on air like why must you act strange in a time of desperation throat! Yeah I'm weird I know.

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