Chapter 11

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The first this my brain registers is that I can't breathe.  I start to squirm around but the more I move the tighter my chest gets.
I wasn't going to be able to breathe with this darkness wrapped around me like a noose.
Staying still I try to gain my breathe but as I thought I still failed.
Now Im starting to panic like what is going on with me? Why can't I move? Am I dead? Is this some personal hell? Im gonna cry I can't even open my eyes! The more I struggle the heavier it gets.

There are noises all around but they're muffled like I'm underwater. They sound evil and I don't want to come out of this 'water' but who wants to die of suffocation? If you look around no ones raising their hands which is also because I can't even move my body! This totally has to be sleep paralysis.

I keep on screaming out for help in my mind but I'm still not moving.

Slowly I began to drift further into the darkness and some how it's getting darker and darker. But I don't want to go!

"Silvia gosh damit wake the hell up!" I hear someone screaming. The voice sounds familiar and I fight to open my eyes.
I feel a sting to my face and I wince slightly oh if I'm wrong now about who this is then I must not know family.
"Momma! Aunt B get up hear like there was a sale at the mall in every store!" I keep on feeling her pushing on my chest and breathing into my mouth.

'Slap' there she goes again with slapping me I've told her not to do that but she's always wanted to do that from the movies.

How much I've missed you Cynthia if only I could tell you this. Me and Cynthia have been Besties since birth and if we weren't cousins we'd probably be sisters since we act like sisters.

"Come on Snowball I know you're in there.....Mom!" I've always hated seeing her so panicked but I just can't seem to calm her down from this state I'm in. At least she knows that I'm alive.

"What is going on young lady don't you yell a.... Oh my goodness sweetie move off of her before you kill her." So that's where Aunt C was. "Sweetie can you hear me" I try nodding but I'm positive it didn't work.

"Cynthia go get some water, a towel, crackers, and my med bag please sweetheart." I can hear Cynthia running out the door heading downstairs.

For a couple of minutes there's silence then I feel an blinding pain emitting from my chest and brings memories of my childhood when I would sometimes have a tight chest. But this was multiplied by thousands. I'm sure if I wasn't laying down I would've fell.

"Silvia I need you to listen to me and listen well. Yes I know you think I don't know you're there. No you're not dying. And any other questions can be answered later." There's the aunt I know and love. Most people this she's mean and blunt ,but she's a really caring woman who has always been their for me. I trust her with my life but his is the time where she's more business than nurturing.

"This might sting." I feel a sharp pain in the middle of my head and clench my jaw to refrain from grunting. "Just relax your body Silvia and you'll be fine" right when she wandered off I felt an excruciating pain run down my back and this time I realized....I really couldn't breathe.

I shot up on the bed holding my throat gasping for air with my eyes probably bigger than the maids cookies. I don't know how long I sat there only holding my throat and focusing on breathing but when I finished Cynthia was back and bombarded me with questions. Which her mom politely told her to shut up which I didn't mind.

After a while I finally calmed down and Aunt C handed me the water and when I finished went to get some more. I don't know what it is with having a near death situation that makes your thirsty but it feels like I have magic sand stuck in my throat.

Soon after my mom returns instead of my aunt with water and a look of concern on her face.

"Hey sweetie we need to talk"

_____________________________Cliff hangers the best type of endings. Sorry for the hiatus this is long overdue.

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