Chapter 8

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"Ready to start History class"

"So where do I start,....mhhm, well as you know that was Vivian, and she was my maid when I was growing up. When I got older I made sure she still had a job with us,that gave her more than enough money whenever she needs." Stoping to take a deep breathe my mother looks as if she's debating on what to say next. Waving her hands in the air in exasperation, she explains.

"Well I think it would be easier to explain this to you from the beginning, so that means going to 'history class'" my mother says with a smile "..Just joking, nope I'm telling you about our families history." I guess I made a face of confusion because she told me " Well Silv, if I told you from the part about Vivian you definitely would not have believed me;So let's start with my great great grandpa.'

"His name was Edward Wellingham II, he grew up in what we now call Indianapolis with his parents Georgia and Edward, with his three brothers and two sister, but they aren't as important right now in this story." Clasping her hands in front of her she continues. " Edward was the eldest of his family, so when his parents died, the role of protector, as well as head of the family was upon him. His mother and father were killed in a hunting accident. They were mauled to death; They were only recognizable from his mothers locket,and their wedding rings. To say the least he was devastated,but none the less, took care of his younger siblings. At the age of eighteen he took over the family restaurant as owner instead of his god father John, and started to work a regular job. Forgetting about college he wanted to make sure that he could provide for the others. One night, while cleaning up the place a woman came banging on the door, saying she needed to hide for a while, Edward being the protective person he is,told her she could stay until he had to leave for the night.

'What's you name if you mind my asking'  he stated politely seeing that he didn't recognize the woman as a residence of the town.

She looked at him and said 'My name is Annabelle Thompson. Thank you so much for your kindness and hospitality, some guy was chasing me and I left my...stuff at home' she was hiding something, but he knew  people liked their privacy, so changed the subject.

'I haven't seen you round this part are you new in town?' She in fact lived at the edge of town by the woods. Which Edward found strange he wondered if she stayed with her parents or friends. 'Nope ,ma and pa passed years ago, I live with my sister Viola.' Edward could empathies how she felt, that such a pretty girl had to go threw something like that.

'How about if you still don't feel safe when I'm about to head out I drop you off  at your home so you can get to your sister.' Nodding she gives her thanks and goes back to looking out the window, watching the outside world.

     "Mom how is any of this relevant to or family history I mean okay so Edward met Annabelle he was probably smitten with her huh?" I said while putting up air quotes when I said smitten and smirk. I mean how does this relate to my father." 'Gosh this really is like history.' my inner voice thinks, I couldn't help but agree.

     " Well of course I wouldn't of said history class if it wasn't that." Mom snaps at me " and don't ask if you said that out loud because, you did sweetheart, this story is very relevant if I skip forward I might forget something ,so let's get back to history, shall we." My mom says in bubbly tone. 'Tell me again why I like history.' I think while squirming to get comfortable on the couch.

"Edward did end up driving Annabelle home that night and they learned a lot about each other. Edward learned, that her parents died protecting her and her sister from an animal attack at there home. He thought it was just some weird coincidence and expressed this to her, but it wasn't all that surprising to her. When they reached her house he walked her to the house where she invited him inside for some coffee." Coffee huh I bet she did if you catch my drift. Rolling her eyes mom laughs at the looks I gave her. " No, Silvia literal coffee, get that mind of yours out of the gutter." she jokes " now back to the story. 'The inside of the house was warm from the fireplace in the sitting room.  Annabelle asked if he would rather have coffee or some orange juice. They got situated on the couch for a while when suddenly a girl with brown hair like Annabelle's barged in the house screaming something. She was hysteric and they were having trouble calming her down. Annabelle finally having enough yells at her sister to quiet her.

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