Cold War (Smut)

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Read at your own risk ha!
(Also available in Spanish, check part 9 of this series)

It has been more than a week since the argument, but it felt like years for Wen Kexing. Aside from the sexual frustration that was getting on his nerves, he couldn't think of anything else except the argument that he had with A-Xu few days ago. Actually, he had originally thought that it was like any other small argument they often had before, but it wasn't. They were both on edge and had let it out on each other, but in the most harmful way. It was a cold war.

It was A-Xu's idea to take a break and try to do their things separately for a while, Wen Kexing had refused to let him move out even for a short while, and kept the bedroom for him while he slept on the sofa every night. Although it was his idea, Zhou Zishu still felt uneasy about the whole abnormal situation.

They never had a fight as big as this before, and he was starting to regret his request at taking a break. Wen Kexing had tried many times to make up with him, like preparing food for him to eat or offering to fan him or just shedding the fake tears, but Zhou Zishu was too stubborn to give in. And now when Wen Kexing stopped his attempts, Zhou Zishu was feeling a bit of guilt and regret.

Zhou Zishu came back a bit late; he purposely closed the door with a loud thud and cleared his throat to make his presence known, but Wen Kexing continued to ignore him as he carelessly sat on the couch playing with his phone. He sighed and went in to take a shower, hoping that the hot water would tingle his brain for an idea to nudge Wen Kexing out of his silent attitude.

And here it is, make him jealous, classic!

Zhou Zishu danced an internal happy dance as he planned the wicked scheme inside his head, he decided to start with some simple steps and then increase the intensity. He was sure that Wen Kexing would crack at the first or second attempt.

Attempt 1: Post a selfie with a handsome co-worker.

[photo] - thank you for the dessert! It was really sweet ;)

Zhou Zishu mouthed a yes signaling victory with his fist as he expected Wen Kexing to run into his arms crying, but his phone buzzed and-

[Wen Da Shan Ren liked your photo.]

"What the fuck?" Zhou Zishu blurted before he realized that he spoke a bit too loudly. He shook his head and scratched this lousy attempt from the virtual list in his head. He paced the room few times trying to think of something with a higher intensity and inevitable effect; he pulled out his phone again and sent a message to the same co-worker, call me and pretend to flirt with me.

Attempt 2: Flirt with the handsome co-worker.

The co-worker didn't ask why nor did he hesitate, Zhou Zishu's ringtone filled the house before he picked up and put him on speaker, "Hello there. We just separated and you're already calling me?" He spoke to the phone as he looked at Wen Kexing sideways.

"What can I do? I missed you... Do you want to go out tonight?" The co-worker improvised.

Zhou Zishu noticed that this wasn't a part of the script but he followed his pace, "Hmm, let me double-check my schedule, but you know I've been free lately, I have no one to keep me busy anyways." He said in a provocative tone.

He had expected Wen Kexing to come up to him, snatch the phone from his hand and slam it against the wall, but all he did was calmly leave the room to give him space to continue his conversation.

Zhou Zishu hung up and cursed under his breath; this was not going like he had predicted. So he decided to pull out the big guns.

Attempt 3: Go to the bar with the handsome co-worker.

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