Dance Me To Your Beauty (Smut)

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Wen Kexing had always liked to appreciate beauty. The beautiful taste of wine, the beautiful smell of perfume, the beautiful scenery, and the beautiful dancer he's deeply in love with.

He felt jealous at first, his jealousy ate him alive until he finally learned to live with it... but did he? No, he never did. He just kept to himself, kept the jealousy and the anger to himself every time the dancer twirled or swayed for someone else who's not him. However, he did have an advantage; Wen Kexing was the only one who knew his real name and he was the only one who could see his angelic face that's always hidden behind the sheer veil.

Wen Kexing gulped the wine as his fingers dug into his knees, squeezing and relaxing as he glared at the crowd of men and women watching his lover dancing on the high stage, cheering and clapping and throwing flower petals mixed with paper money at his feet. He attracted the attention of everyone, some men were fascinated by him while others craved him, some women envied him while others learned from him.

Wen Kexing watched his elegant steps, listening carefully to the sound of the charms on his anklet clicking against each other despite the loud crowd and his heart combusted with untamable fiery desire. He looked into his eyes, hoping he'd catch his gaze, and he did. His eyes squinted slightly and Wen Kexing knew that his A-Xu was smiling at him from under the veil.

The dance ended and the crowd cheered louder, begging for more. But Wen Kexing wanted less for the public and more for himself. He placed the wine down and strolled towards the stage, pushing away the hungry eyes, he offered A-Xu his hand and he took it gently, the bracelets around his wrists click-clacking on each other. Every action of his was elegant and graceful, attracting more attention rather than diverting it. He was a work of art, a masterpiece, a rare treasure... And Wen Kexing wasn't surprised that everyone was in love with his lover. Despite his jealousy, he felt proud and satisfied that he was the only one who could actually have him, all of him.

"Where are you taking him?"

"We want more!"

"We paid to watch!"

"I want him to join me for wine!"

"How much a night?"

The crowd objected as Wen Kexing guided A-Xu away to a private room. They shouted and argued yet continued to throw pretty and valuable things after A-Xu's every step. Wen Kexing leaned down to whisper in A-Xu's ear, "they all want you." He said, his tone carrying a hint of jealousy. "I can't sit and watch."

A-Xu looked at him from under the veil and Wen Kexing couldn't read his eyes, he continued to walk faster, finally reaching the private room. Wen Kexing wanted to talk but A-Xu's finger landed elegantly on his lips, forcing him to swallow back his words, his other hand pouring him some strong wine. "Wen Gongzi..." A-Xu addressed him formally, "feel free," He served him the wine, "and wait for me."

Wen Kexing's body was blasted yet again with a shock of lust and desire. He obediently took the wine, nodding dazedly, completely bewitched by A-Xu's words and actions, "w-where are you going...?" He muttered.

"Drink your wine." A-Xu smirked from under the veil, "I'll come back."

Wen Kexing already drank a full jar of wine when the music finally started. His lack of patience disappeared at the sounds of instruments blending together into a mesmerizing melody he'd never heard before, it sounded novel rather than traditional. He reminisced all the times he'd gone to brothels and all the performances he'd watched, yet he still couldn't recall this melody. Was it new or was it unpopular? He contemplated before he suddenly snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the faint sound of charms clicking on each other from a distance. "A-Xu..." He whispered and drank the remaining wine in his cup, hoping A-Xu would come and serve him another.

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