Dark Alliance [ShenXia]

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Summary: Lin Shen returns to Republican Era Shanghai with a specific plan in mind, while Ming Xia is again reponsible to hunt him down. But what is the purpose of the chase? Is it merely justice, or is it something much more twisted?

Lin Shen (Gong Jun from Dream Garden)
Ming Xia (Zhang Zhehan from Demon Girl)

This fic is set in Demon Girl setting, but you don't need any context to read it. If you have any questions about the background of the characters, you can let me know in the comments or dm me on twitter!

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One kill, Lin Shen whispers, just one kill, he repeats as he plunges the hammer into the woman's face, smiling wider as her features dissolve, laughing louder the higher blood splashes

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One kill, Lin Shen whispers, just one kill, he repeats as he plunges the hammer into the woman's face, smiling wider as her features dissolve, laughing louder the higher blood splashes. He can't wait for Ming Xia to see what he's done; he can't wait to share with him his new hobby.

Lin Shen started killing only when he traveled back to the past. He's always been fascinated by true crime and serial killers, and now he could finally taste the delight of letting out his anger in the most brutal way possible to fulfil his sadistic fantasies, especially when he knows that it'll be much harder to get caught at such times.

He never really killed any women though; his targets have always been homophobic men. However, after the agonizing sight the previous night, his interest drastically shifted from killing men to wanting to kill anyone who touches what's his, be it man or woman or neither. This was his new passion.

He knew he was selfish; he's always been. But if he can't be with Ming Xia, then no one else can. No man, no woman. Ming Xia was his, Ming Xia's life should solely belong to him, and if it were to be taken, it should only be taken by him. And if he can't be with him, he'd let him live alone with the despicable memory of him rather than see him in the arms of someone else.

He drops the hammer, panting heavily as he wipes the mess from his face and spits out the blood that snuck into his mouth. "He's mine!" He shouts at the corpse and squats down, taking out a dagger to carve some words on the woman's stomach, muttering them under his breath.

Lin Shen shouldn't have come back. He knew very well that going back and forth in time isn't ideal, but he couldn't stop his thoughts from revolving around Ming Xia. His gentle eyes, his lips, his smile, the smell of his faint perfume... Ming Xia crossed his mind with every lesson, every session, every fantasy. He was going insane, even more than he already was.

He originally planned to go back one last time and grant Ming Xia some closure then bid him farewell. A sole goodbye and nothing else. But as he stood at the other side of the street, he'd taken a step forward and two steps back, yet again escaping the confrontation. He was... afraid. Lin Shen is never afraid, unless faced with Ming Xia's gentle eyes. He didn't know what gentle meant, but the more Ming Xia gazed at him, the greedier he became for this tenderness.

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