I'm out

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My hand are being hand cuffed behind my back and I'm being hauled in the police car. I don't understand why I am being arrested. Well, that's kind of a lie, I do know why I am getting arrested: I'm not saying I should be going to juvie at age fifteen. No one wants to hear my side of the story. What everyone believes is: I came home angry and was being violent and throwing things. Apparently I got mad when my parents tried to calm me down, I grabbed a knife and was trying to kill them. Well, that's the lie my parents made up and I guess the truth doesn't really matter.Funny thing is, it's my birthday. Nice gift, huh?

-A year after arrest-

Now I'm 16, still in juvie. I did make a friend. Ok, I'm just kidding, I didn't make any type of friends here. My roommate, well technically my cellmate, she is in for stealing a pair of shoes and shooting someone but she didn't kill them. She's in for at least twelve years. Juvie isn't as bad as I thought, I'm not saying I like it though. It is horrible.

"Paris Jones," I hear my name being called.

"Present," I say. They open my cell. "Come on," they tell me. I follow the two officers.

They leave me with the boss man as we call him. The lead guy and a women around her middle 30's. "Name?" the boss man asks. "Paris Jones," I mumble. "Speak up," he demands looking up at me. "Paris Jones, sir," I say louder. "Age?" he questions. I don't know why they ask us when they have it in the records. "Sixteen, sir," I say with a sigh. He writes down some stuff. "Get your this ready by this afternoon, you are leaving," he says. I stare at him shocked "Where to, sir," I question. "Out of here," he smirks. I never liked the boss man, he always an annoying attitude. "Your coming with me," the lady smiles. I stare at her, not wanting to leave with a stranger. "May I leave, sir," I ask looking at the boss man. "Back to your cell, ready at 1:00," he says closing his notebook. "Yes, sir," I say turning to leave. The two guard me back to my cell.

"What they want?" my cell mate asks. "Nothing," I mumble lying. She rises her eye brows and stands up from her bunk with her arms crossed to her chest. "They called you for nothing?" she questions. I just nod. She smirks "you leaving huh?" she asks walking towards me. "No, I'm not going anywhere," I say with a straight face. I wasn't going to tell anyone I was leaving. The last time a girl got out early she got jumped by about ten girls. I don't want that to happen to me. "You are a lair...I know they're letting you out early," she says pissed. "No, I'm not lying," I say crossing my arms to my chest. "I've been here for three years and I'm still here," she says. "You almost killed someone that you robbed," I tell her rolling my eyes. "So did you, trying to kill your own parents," she says proud of herself. I sigh and roll my eyes again. "What I thought," she says sitting back on her bunk. I sigh "that's what I thought," I mock her under my breath. She looks up at me "Keep talking to yourself like a crazy person," she says.

We head to the courtyard. I sit in my usual little corner. "So I hear you're leaving early," one of the big girls says walking up to me. I stand up, which is a bad idea. "You heard wrong," I say trying to act tough, so she'll leave me alone. "Really, cause I think you're lying to me," she says. Her gang walk up behind her, right that second I knew it wasn't looking so bright for me. "I don't want any problem," I say staring up at them since they all were taller than me. "I don't care what you want," the leader of the gang says pushing me to the ground. I stand back up with a straight look on my face. "What's you problem?" I yell hoping the guards heard me and would stop this before it gets out of control. She

pushes me again swearing at me, but this time she pushes me harder than before. I stand back up trying to push her back but that didn't work out as planned. They all jump in, I try to fight back but it was pointless six to one. They finally get pulled away. They end up getting consequence. The corner of my lips was bleeding, bloody nose, and I got a black eye with a scratch under my eye. It could have been worst. I head back and wash up. I go to the cafeteria and eat my lunch quietly by myself.

Around 12:50 I change back into the clothes I came with. Luckily it still fit me, but it got a little loose. I haven't ate much here. The guards take me to the boss man's office. "Name?" he asks. "Paris Jones, sir," I say my hands in my pocket. "Age?" he asks. "Sixteen, sir," I say. He looks up at me shocked "what happened to your face?" he asks. "A couple of girls jumped, sir," I tell him with a heavy sigh. "Did you deal with them?" he questions one guard. the guard nods. "Good...these kids are seriously nuts," he says. The lady from earlier walking in. "Welcome back," the boss man says. "Thank you," the lady says. "Sign this and your on your way," he say to her. She signs the papers and says thank you. "You may can come with me," the lady turns to me. I sigh and nod. "Good luck and make good choices," the boss man says. I put on a fake smile. "Yes, sir," I say following the lady.

"I'm Jane Drakes," the lady says as we walk to her car. "I'm Paris Jones, ma'am," I say. "You don't have to call me ma'am," she says with a friendly smile. "Sorry," I say. We get on her car and start driving. I stare out the window as we get further away from the prison. She parks the car in front of a huge house. "It's beautiful," I say more to myself than to her. "It's nothing," she says . We get off the girl and she leads me to the front of the house.

She leads me to the living room where there was six boys. Two of them were wrestling. "Boys!"


Hope you guys enjoy and continue reading...please leave comments and vote this story if you liked....its gets gets very interesting as you get through the story.

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