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"Paris are you up!" I hear yelling and knocking. A open my eyes. "I'm up," I say strolling to the bathroom. I get ready for school. I walk out the room almost bumping into someone. "Watch out," I say. "I was standing here," he says. It was the twin without freckles. "Still... just move...." I stop not remembering his name. "Your in my way," I continue. "I have a name," he says. "Ok, so do I," I say. He shakes his head "you're weird," he says. "It's Dexter...don't you see all this," he says motioning to his face. "What's there to see," I say moving him aside. "Everything," he says. I walk away heading downstairs.

"Didn't I just leave you upstairs," I say. The little boy stares at me confused. "Never mind...I left the other you upstairs," I say. He stares at me as though I lost my mind. "It's not my fault there's two of you," I say. "You're really crazy," he sigh about to walk away. "You are rude, Devin," I say. "Nice, you remember my name," he walks off. "Paris lets go," I hear. I rush to the door. "Took long enough," Blake says. "Shut up," I smirk walking pass him. We get to the front door. I push him out of my way and exit. "Was that necessary?" he questions. "Yes," I say. He rolls his eyes. "Where is everyone else?" I ask."Gone. We're going to be late if you don't come on," he says getting on the car.

"Why do I have to ride with you?" I question. "I'm wondering the same thing," he says. "But you're lucky," he adds. "Not really," I mumble. "I can hear you," he says. "Good for you," I say. He parks the car in the student parking lot. "You should go find Jai or Sawyer to help you find your classes," Blake says as we get off the car. "I don't need you to tell me what to do," I tell him. "You have issues," he smirks. "And you don't," I roll my eyes. "No," he smiles. "Hey Blake," people say as we enter the school. "What's up," he says in reply. "Blake," some says. "Hey Blake," some girls giggle. "So your Mr.Popular," I say looking at him. He glances over to me. "Is that a problem princess," he smiles. "Don't call me that," I say looking at the lockers. "Hey Blake," a red-haired boy walks over to him. "Hey Jadon," he says. "This your new topic?" Jadon asks looking over to me. "No," Blake says. "Who is she then?" he asks. "The girl my mom brought from...somewhere," Blake says. "Where?" Jadon questions. "I don't know man," Blake says. I walk away to find my locker.

"Paris," I hear. "Oh...hey," I say. "What are you doing?" Jai asks. "Looking for my locker," I tell him. "Let me see," he says, I hand him my paper. "It's back there," he says pointing to the direction I came from. "You're kidding right?" I say with a heavy sigh. He shakes his head. "And your late," he says. I look around noticing no one was in the hall. I start walking to the direction I came from. "Why aren't you in class?" I question. "First hour is over rated," he says. I find my locker and put my things away. "So you just decide to ditch?" I question. "We have the same class, you'll see how over rated it is," he says. "That's something I'll find out," I say. "Want me to come with you to get the load and yelling off on your first day," he says. "Yelling?" I ask rising my eye brow. "Mr. Josh," he says as I shut my locker. "he doesn't like when people walk in late," he says. "Alright, you might need to come along," I say. A smile appears on his face.

We walk into class. "Mr. Drakes and oh..."he says looking at his paper. "Paris Jones," he says.Some people chuckle. "I'm sorry I'm late, "I say. On your first day, "he says. "I was helping her find her locker and find the class. She kind of got lost, "Jai say. "Jai Drakes helping someone that's new "Mr. Josh says. "I help people all the time, " I Jai says glancing at me. I wasn't going to say anything I didn't know was true." introduce yourself since you already stopped the class." he says. " may I sit down, " jai smirks. " There's a chair ," Mr. josh says. I'm Paris Jones," I say. " Tell us why you think it's ok to be late to class?" he asks. " It's not okay." I say. " Then why are you late?" he asks. I glared at jai who was trying to mouth some words but was horrible at it. " I was trying to find my locker and don't know my way around this school ." I say facing MR. josh. That's not an answer ," he says. " That's my answer . Now if you will just leave me alone and teach the class because that is what you are being paid for," I say annoyed. He states at me angered. "Detention after school," he says. I roll my eyes and take a seat.

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